we went on a trip, and some other stuff

August 9, 2013

Hey-o. It’s been a couple of weeks. Bear with me as life has been kind of a blur, but today I really miss blogging and want to get back into it. Right now a blog that is motivating me (and that I’m loving) is Camp Patton. I will never be as funny as she is but I love how she writes so regularly, just everyday relatable stories, and maybe I can do something like that.

So in that spirit, here’s what’s been up. Apparently I’m still growing a human inside of me, although I don’t always entirely believe it. But if we just go with the evidence, I’m 15 weeks along and into the second trimester now. Feeling pretty good most of the time. I think I’m in denial that my belly is actually growing because I walk around constantly sucking it in subconsciously, even at home alone. The bloating factor is out of control but it seems like lately the belly is maybe not all bloat?

15 weeks

Classy bathroom work pic I just took for the purpose of this post. I was hungry when I took this and not bloated (I don’t think) so this might be the current actual state of things. Not that exciting I admit.


Here is something else cool and kind of crazy that happened. Last Friday I got a panicked email from one of my best friends who lives in Nashville and it was the kind of situation where I just knew I needed to go be with her and would regret it forever if I didn’t. Thankfully I have an awesome husband who hatched the plan and we ended up dropping everything and driving through the night to arrive there on Saturday morning, toddler in tow. David then slept all day and drove back home again leaving Meredith and me to have girl time with our friend. (How awesome is he???) I took Monday and Tuesday off and then we flew home.


Hanging out at the airport Starbucks. I had a frappuccino (I can tolerate a little coffee again!) and Meredith downed a chocolate milk.

What we did in Nashville during our down time was: eat almost every meal at a yummy local place, visit different parks, sit outside and read while Meredith explored and played with the dog, and take afternoon naps. Y’all, I am hooked on afternoon naps now. Since I wasn’t at home I couldn’t use Meredith’s nap time to do chores like I usually do so instead I slept or just laid on the bed and read if I couldn’t fall asleep. It felt so indulgent and awesome. I’ve decided that from now on, on the weekends, I am going to do my chores while Meredith is awake and force myself to rest during naptime.

Oh, and here’s an adorable video of Meredith chasing some geese.


So you know how I’m kind of lazy about showers and baths? Well before my trip I was a couple days overdue for a shower and when I returned it took a few days for me to get around to another one and the result was about a week and a half since I had used my tub and the whole time an inflatable baby tub was sitting in it making the floor super slippery and yeah, I totally fell in the shower. I kind of caught myself, but I felt like a geriatric.

I was also super overdue for trimming Meredith’s nails and before work yesterday morning I all of a sudden couldn’t stand to send her to school with them long enough to be used as weapons but she was NOT cooperating with me. In a burst of inspiration I decided to give her my first bribe and told her that if I could trim her nails I’d give her a cookie. Immediate success ensued so I’m basically winning at this parenting thing.


We’re on a strict budget now, trying to prepare ourselves for the bomb of a second kid to drop and all, and I’m pretty good about not spending extra money but right now there are several things that I don’t necessarily need but they would really make life a little bit better and those things are: a new blender to replace my broken one because I miss smoothies, a kid-sized table and chairs, some good quality flip-flops like Rainbows, and a bunch more maxi skirts or other summer appropriate clothes that can transition into maternity wear.


Lastly, and this is the last point I promise, but I am making a plan to get my normal productive life back. This weekend my goals are to make and freeze a bunch of these breakfast sandwiches, meal plan and grocery shop for next week, and print photos so I can hopefully get caught up on Project Life.

So that’s my glamorous life, and get ready to hear more about it.

Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Comments on we went on a trip, and some other stuff

  1. 1

    From Nora:

    I LOVE these kinds of updates. Your husband is a total winner. So excited to hear that you & Baby #2 are doing well. Glad you posted; had been thinking about you! Happy Friday and enjoy those naps (they really do make a huge difference).

  2. 2

    From rachieannie:

    I am big into Camp Patton these days as well. She has a gift of taking the mundane and making it memorable.

    So glad you got to spend time with your friend! It says a lot about the type of people you are that you would make that a priority and make sacrifices to make it happen. I am sure your friend appreciated it!

    Hope you continue to feel good as you move into the 2nd trimester!

  3. 3

    From Sarah:

    The maternity maxi skirts from Old Navy are awesome. I had a chevron one that I got compliments on every time I wore it. It is super-comfy now for post-partum, as well.

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