Today is my birthday! I am 33. I love the number 3 so I just know this is going to be a good year. And Meredith is excited because she thinks I’m the same age as her. ;)
I wanted to do a fun post to commemorate the day. There isn’t anything special going on because I have to work and am going to Bible study tonight; and in fact, it was a terrible morning, the worst in recent memory and I already cried once (ah parenthood!), but I am trying to move past that. Last weekend we went out to eat at Cheesecake Factory with my family, my work had a birthday lunch for me yesterday with cake, and this weekend we’ll be having a birthday dinner with David’s family. So that is all really fun.
Here are some things that were on my birthday wish list. I’m definitely not getting them all, but wanted to share regardless:
1. There are some makeup products I’ve been wanting to try. Using a gift card I purchased this mascara (I needed a new bottle and wanted to see if this measures up to my favorite
) and got a sample of this tinted moisturizer
. So far I’m loving it and I have the full size on the way. I have also been noticing in the past year that my brows are kind of thinning so I’d like to try out some sort of brow…pencil? I don’t know what you call it because I have never ventured into this arena before. Anyway, this is the one
I think I’m going to purchase at some point.
2. I just really, really want to treat myself and wear amazing underwear. A set of these briefs is expensive but I’ve been saving up and I think I might take the plunge.
3. Knitting classes and supplies. I already mentioned that my mom is getting me this. It’s even more special because it’s something we will do together.
4. Earrings. I am a stud-wearing girl, but I seem to always be losing one earring so at the moment I only have a pair of gold ones that I love. I mostly wear silver though, so I really want some small studs like this.
5. Spa services. Pedicure, massage. Always appreciated.
6. A running jacket. This looks like a good one. Right now I’m borrowing one from a friend but I’d like to get myself fully geared up for year-round running. (I’d also like more tank tops and shorts for summer as well as a new sports bra
I didn’t want David to really spend money on me because we are trying to be smart financially, but he did get me flowers and a super sweet card and a Starbucks gift card. He can’t help but treat me a little bit and I love him for it! What I asked for from him is for us both to take this Myers-Briggs personality type test, and then to discuss our results in depth while on a date (which is happening this weekend). I feel like we know each other pretty well, but I think this will be fascinating and informative, while also helping us communicate better and strengthen our marriage. I asked for this for my birthday so he would be sure to say yes! To me it sounds super fun, but I know he might not think so. ;)
How do you like to celebrate your birthday? I used to try to celebrate all week (a la Gilmore Girls) but it’s gotten harder to do so as I get older and have more responsibilities. But I still do love birthdays. :)
From Nora:
I’ll have to check out that set of underwear; I’m always looking for good ones!
Birthday celebrations: I love a good birthday week, though it’s hard to fit in as an adult. it’s also hard since my mom was the one who coordinated and made birthdays really special. I think Knight realized this last birthday was hard for me so we are talking about a mini trip this year or something equally fun/special.
Enjoy the date this weekend; I think taking a quiz and discussing results especially to help one another understand each other and strengthen the marriage is a win.
Happy birthday, friend!!!!
From Mikal:
I’ve found it a bit hard to get into a how to celebrate birthdays after having kids. Had a rough start to my birthday this past weekend too (kid puke at 7am) but the day steadily improved. My husband and I make cakes for each other on our birthdays which is fun. Usually we’ll do some gifts and get a babysitter to go out to dinner. This year we didn’t get a babysitter and just went out to dinner with our 3 year old, which worked out. Then we treated ourselves to a movie rental, which we never really do so it was fun. Basically we had cake and a movie at home, but it was a nice relaxing evening. Happy birthday! Hope the day gets better!
From Dawn:
My 30s have been my favorite decade so far. (Alas, I am nearly done with them. Just one more 30-something birthday left.) There’s just something about good quality undies; you don’t fully appreciate the splurge until you try it and then you realize what you’ve been missing! My job requires me to answer the phone a lot and anything but studs hurt my ears. My husband got me a pair of tiny diamond studs for Christmas 2013 and I almost never take them out. They go with everything and they are super comfy. I hope you have an excellent birthday and find some small way to celebrate each day of the whole week. We almost never do anything big for our birthdays. We go out to dinner — birthday person gets to choose where! — and maybe a movie or wander over to Disney World (we have Annual Passes). Sometimes we don’t even celebrate til months later, if the place we want to eat is “out of the way” and we have to travel an hour or so or make special plans to get there. We just consider it an extended celebration. ;-)
From Melanie:
Happy Birthday! I enjoy getting a ‘pass’ on most cleaning & cooking on my birthday. :) you never know what will happen to the best-laid birthday plans when there are kids involved, so I try not to be disappointed if things aren’t as special as I would like!
From Sarah:
Happy Birthday!
From Stephany:
As a single gal in her mid-20’s, I still get to celebrate my birthday all week long. I try to do some sort of fun birthday trip, since my birthday always falls around the Thanksgiving holiday. I can’t always do it, but I try!
I’m interested to know what your Myers-Briggs assessment is. I am an ISFJ!
From Stephany:
Oh, and geez! Happy birthday! I can’t believe I didn’t lead with that. *facepalm*
From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:
Hooray for birthday weeks! I think you have an excellent wish list! I probably need to switch to a tinted moisturizer too — I’ve been a concealer + powder girl for years, but those darn crow’s feet! Perhaps I need to ask for a Sephora gift card for my birthday next month! =)
From Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout:
Oh yeah — will you write about your Myers Briggs date? That sounds really cool to me (but I totally geek out on that stuff.)
From Holly:
Happy (belated!) birthday! I always have the same wish on my birthday: SLEEP! Last year Nathan’s parents took the kids overnight the day before my birthday so I actually got to sleep in until almost 9 a.m. – it was glorious! We usually go out for dinner or make a special meal on birthdays – we party hard around here :)