around here

January 2, 2018

I’m typing this alone in a hotel room and it is pure bliss. Even though my kids were sobbing when I left and I kind of love how close we’ve become through the past months, there comes a point when this introvert mama needs a break and I’m near giddy with excitement over being here.

For the next two days I will be attending an intensive family program at the rehab center where David is. I decided to get a hotel because it is over an hour away and I didn’t feel like driving that during rush hour, not to mention the fact that it is going to be sleeting overnight. Okay, and the prospect of the hotel room to myself was a pretty big draw as well. I mean, if David gets to stay in what is basically a resort for a month, I can get myself a room for a couple of nights.

So I figured I would catch you up a bit on our life since it has been awhile. David has been back in rehab for a little over two weeks. It took him nearly 14 days to detox and there were some low lows during that time. Our visit on Christmas Eve had me feeling nearly hopeless, but he turned the corner and is doing very well now. The place he’s at is like a cross between a bed & breakfast and a spa. I’m actually quite jealous, but just hoping that it gets him excited about living life sober.

The kids have been doing quite well – Christmas was a nice distraction for them. Meredith goes back to school tomorrow and while I’m looking forward to the routine, I’m dreading the homework battles and the tantrums.

Mostly I’ve been working and parenting and taking care of the house and cooking the meals and trying to take care of myself as well. Soon I will do a post about my 2018 goals, which I am excited about. Right now with David gone my biggest struggle is just exhaustion and the need for babysitting. I’ve had some struggles with depression again, but that has passed for now.

RCIA has been on hiatus but we’ve been going to mass and last week I even took both of the kids. We haven’t been attending our Protestant church lately because our schedule has been overwhelming. Although we will probably go back again, I have noticed that I’m not missing it as much as I thought I would. Mass is starting to become real church for me.

This year I’d really like to do more of the things that bring me joy, and blogging is one of those – as long as there is no pressure attached to it. I’m hoping to have a mixture of post types here, including goals, sharing things I love, my spiritual journey, and life updates with photos and ramblings (like this).

Now I’m going to enjoy the rest of my kid-free night. :)

Posted in: personal, around here

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