Posts About monthly liam

liam at three months

April 17, 2014

He: >Is all recovered from his bout with RSV and just finished his antibiotic for the subsequent ear infection (with minimal side effects!) >Has started cooing instead of grunting. That and his smiles are just the best ever. Makes it all worth it. >Can wear 6-month sized clothes. Big boy! >Looks so much different than Meredith, in my opinion. >Is a champion hair-grabber. >Has a couple balding spots on the sides of his head, but hasn’t lost any off the top. >Sleeps through the night, in bed with me. >May not get a lot of one-on-one attention, but he is showered with toddler affection and entertainment. :) >Is still a generally calm, happy baby. <3 I: >Am in a groove…
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liam at two months

March 20, 2014

He: >Weighs 14 lbs, 4.5 oz and is 23.5 inches long. A good 85th percentile chub. :) >Still holds his hands in permanent fists. >Hasn’t really started cooing yet, he’s still just grunting like a little gremlin. >Smiles! >Has auburn hair. For awhile I thought it was just light brown but it’s gotten lighter and definitely has a reddish tint to it, especially in the sun. >Outgrew the size 1 disposable diapers we had on hand so is now wearing exclusively cloth diapers (small Fuzzibunz during the day, Flips with an extra hemp insert at night) but we don’t have that many so it’s daily laundry for me. >Really doesn’t care for the pacifier. >Pretty much goes to sleep at…
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liam at one month

February 17, 2014

He: >Has gone through a growth spurt in the past week and I’m noticing a lot more chub on him. He no longer fits into most newborn clothes. >Never had his days and nights confused, for which I am extremely grateful, but lately he has started waking up around 3 a.m. and never really going back to sleep. >Doesn’t cry much, but grunts a lot and makes noises that sound like a goat. >Had his first bottle today and drank from it without any problem. >Is a good nurser, although he needed quite a bit of teaching at first. >Still has his cephalohematoma, but it has hardened and shrunk some. >Doesn’t like baths yet. >Is barely ever referred to by…
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he’s here

January 20, 2014

Liam Christopher was born on Friday, January 17 at 4:29 a.m. He was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 inches, and two weeks early! We spent the weekend in the hospital but are now home settling in as a family of four. So happy! Much more to come. :)