Posts About motherhood

liam at one month

February 17, 2014

He: >Has gone through a growth spurt in the past week and I’m noticing a lot more chub on him. He no longer fits into most newborn clothes. >Never had his days and nights confused, for which I am extremely grateful, but lately he has started waking up around 3 a.m. and never really going back to sleep. >Doesn’t cry much, but grunts a lot and makes noises that sound like a goat. >Had his first bottle today and drank from it without any problem. >Is a good nurser, although he needed quite a bit of teaching at first. >Still has his cephalohematoma, but it has hardened and shrunk some. >Doesn’t like baths yet. >Is barely ever referred to by…
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liam at one month

February 17, 2014

He: >Has gone through a growth spurt in the past week and I’m noticing a lot more chub on him. He no longer fits into most newborn clothes. >Never had his days and nights confused, for which I am extremely grateful, but lately he has started waking up around 3 a.m. and never really going back to sleep. >Doesn’t cry much, but grunts a lot and makes noises that sound like a goat. >Had his first bottle today and drank from it without any problem. >Is a good nurser, although he needed quite a bit of teaching at first. >Still has his cephalohematoma, but it has hardened and shrunk some. >Doesn’t like baths yet. >Is barely ever referred to by…
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liam’s birth story : part two

February 10, 2014

Part one *** It’s around 2:30 a.m. on January 17, I’m finally in a real L&D room, everyone is in agreement that I actually am going to have a baby pretty soon, and I am delirious with pain. My parents arrived and I had my mom push on my lower back to provide counter pressure and that was the only thing providing any kind of relief. David finally made it there too shortly after, and I was vaguely aware of his presence and comforted by it. Somewhere during this time my water broke, which was a horribly strange feeling and it sent stabbing pains through my groin and abdomen, increasing the pain everywhere. Although I had been begging for an epidural…
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liam’s birth story : part two

February 10, 2014

Part one *** It’s around 2:30 a.m. on January 17, I’m finally in a real L&D room, everyone is in agreement that I actually am going to have a baby pretty soon, and I am delirious with pain. My parents arrived and I had my mom push on my lower back to provide counter pressure and that was the only thing providing any kind of relief. David finally made it there too shortly after, and I was vaguely aware of his presence and comforted by it. Somewhere during this time my water broke, which was a horribly strange feeling and it sent stabbing pains through my groin and abdomen, increasing the pain everywhere. Although I had been begging for an epidural…
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liam’s birth story : part one

January 28, 2014

I intended to write this story all in one go, but it was such a crazy whirlwind experience (and in some ways traumatic) that I am still processing a lot of it and am quite fuzzy on some of the details. So as I work out what really happened and talk to some people about what they remember, I wanted to start writing the early parts that I am clear on while they are somewhat fresh. *** The last good picture of me pregnant, at 37.5 weeks. It started on Thursday, January 16. I was 38 weeks pregnant exactly. I went to work like any other day, but this day I felt especially tired and achy right from the beginning….
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