Posts About me

Ten On Tuesday

March 23, 2010

1. When you were a senior in high school, what career did you think you’d choose? Did you? Why or why not? The thing I loved best was singing, so I thought I’d somehow find myself in music ministry. I went to a tiny Christian college (the first time around) and since there was no “music ministry” major instead I started on a double major of music and ministry. I ended up dropping the music part when I discovered that a) it was less church worship music and more classical training, and b) that I would have to take piano classes throughout school. Piano and I have a rough history. 2. What one thing about the “real world” did you…
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Friday Things: To Be Happy About

March 12, 2010

Goodreads iPhone app! Y’all should know by now that I love Goodreads. I’ve been dying for an app for a long time, and it’s finally here. Now I can post updates of my reading progress, browse books, add to my “to read” list, and read reviews from anywhere! More info here. Nintendo enthusiast! The lovely people at Brand About Town have chosen me to share my love for Nintendo. I’ve got a Wii and a Wii Fit Plus on the way, which will be perfect for helping me ease back into exercising after all these health setbacks. My new triathlon goal date is August, and there will certainly be some 100+ degree days where I won’t want to go outside…
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fighting the sadness

March 9, 2010

The only good thing about getting so sick for a couple of days is that it completely took my mind off anything else that was wrong. For a little while, I wasn’t sad or emotional – every part of me was focused on feeling better. And now that I do, physically (although I’m still barely eating), I can start to feel my crazy hormones take over again. The sadness creeps in subtly and slowly, and today I began to feel its fuzzy tentacles wrapping around my heart. I decided that I didn’t want to just accept that, so I took action. First, I made an appointment for a pedicure this weekend. It helps me to have something to look forward…
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I’ve Got To Find A Better Way To Use My Vacation Time

March 8, 2010

For one reason or another, my body is rebelling against me. It has a grudge, and it is taking its revenge – very effectively. Maybe I didn’t give myself sufficient time to recover from the miscarriage; I don’t know. Maybe it had some unknown effect on my immune system. What I do know is that I’m sick. Last week was a roller coaster of emotions. At first it felt good to be back at work and distracted, and there were times when I could almost convince myself that I was fine. Only I couldn’t shake the sadness that was underlying it all, and I realized I had become extremely sensitive. The smallest thing could set me off into a crying…
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Friday Things

March 5, 2010

Today was a hard day for me, emotionally. It started last night out of nowhere, and then when I received a package this morning that I had ordered for future baby, well, you can imagine how that made me feel. So in order to avoid being too depressing, here is some randomness from the week. My dogs can be really cute and sweet. Even Oliver. But then he goes and eats my books. Four so far, to be exact. Taken from the bookshelf. Oh, and I chopped off my hair. Why? I don’t know. Something to do. Other things I’m thinking about: I think it’s time to start exercising again. There is a super sprint triathlon on May 9 that…
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