Posts About me

a behind-the-scenes look at kapachino through the eyes of one of her brothers

March 3, 2010

I thought it would be fun to start a series of guest posts written by some of my favorite writers, bloggers, and real-life people. Today you hear from the older of my two younger brothers, David. When he feels like it, he blogs about design, sports, music, horror movies – or any combination thereof. He told me I wasn’t allowed to edit what he wrote, which is too bad because if I could I would totally remove the picture of me with bangs (that was a bad life decision) and not go so overboard with the compliments (how embarrassing). He is an amazing guy himself, and will always be the best friend of my childhood. Enjoy! *** If you know…
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February 12, 2010

*** Dear Houston Weather, You are making my life miserable. With Hate, Me *** Dear Oliver, Kindly calm down and let me finish typing this post. Also, I don’t appreciate you chewing the nose off my teddy bear. Love, The Girl Who Feeds You *** Dear Everyone, Sorry this is such a lame post. I worked all day and now I can barely keep my eyes open. Still love me? Sincerely Yours, Kathleen

Ten On Tuesday: I Want To Live A Simple Life

February 9, 2010

1. Fill in the blank. Sometimes I wish my life was more ______. Simple, spiritual. 2. How do you cure the hiccups? Take a knife or a fork and bite down on it. While your teeth are clenched there, take a couple sips of water without letting them go. You will probably spill some on you, but your hiccups will be gone if you do it right – guaranteed. 3. What are three of your favorite indulgences? Pedicures, chocolate, and reality TV. 4. Where is the most exotic place you would like to travel to? The most mundane? Most exotic – Africa for a safari. Most mundane – Kansas to visit friends. 5. Does having your time planned out stress you…
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February 5, 2010

This is a picture of me and my parents on my first birthday. My mom is pregnant with my brother and I have cake all over my face. I like it. Today I turn twenty-eight, and I am solidly in my late twenties, which I guess is okay with me since I’ve felt like I’m twenty-eight for months already. I remember when I thought seventeen was soooo old, and when thirty seemed like a lifetime away. But honestly, despite the fact that I practically live the life of a grandma (sans retirement), I still feel young. I can’t imagine actually feeling old, even years and years from now. But what do I know about that? It’s been quite a birthday…
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Ten On Tuesday: Some God Talk

February 2, 2010

1. What is your favorite travel destination spot? Beaches, fun activities, and history are what gets me. My favorite vacation ever was to Kauai, Hawaii for our honeymoon, but the fact that it was my honeymoon probably elevates it to that level. A close second would be to Athens, Greece and the islands. 2. Cats vs. Dogs. Dogs by far, although I do like cats and wish we could get one. Unfortunately Cleo would probably eat it. But I think I really only like cats that cuddle and have personality like dogs do, and that kind of cat is rare. 3. Do you believe in fate? No. See question 9. 4. Do you believe in karma? No again. See question 9….
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