Posts About personal

How We’re (Eventually) Going Green

April 22, 2010

Number 85 on my 101 in 1001 list says: Make an achievable plan of steps to take to have a more environmentally friendly life. Since today is Earth Day, I figured now is a good time to make that list! But first, here are some things we already do: -Recycle cardboard, paper, aluminum, plastic -Drive a hybrid vehicle -Use cold water for laundry & dishes -Minimize use of electricity & use energy efficient bulbs -Use cloth bags for groceries -Drink out of reusable mugs for coffee -Water lawn at night -Buy used when possible Now for the list: Holidays -Put up a real, locally grown tree each year -Make my own cards -Buy energy efficient outdoor LED lights -Choose experiential…
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How We’re (Eventually) Going Green

April 22, 2010

Number 85 on my 101 in 1001 list says: Make an achievable plan of steps to take to have a more environmentally friendly life. Since today is Earth Day, I figured now is a good time to make that list! But first, here are some things we already do: -Recycle cardboard, paper, aluminum, plastic -Drive a hybrid vehicle -Use cold water for laundry & dishes -Minimize use of electricity & use energy efficient bulbs -Use cloth bags for groceries -Drink out of reusable mugs for coffee -Water lawn at night -Buy used when possible Now for the list: Holidays -Put up a real, locally grown tree each year -Make my own cards -Buy energy efficient outdoor LED lights -Choose experiential…
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How We’re (Eventually) Going Green

April 22, 2010

Number 85 on my 101 in 1001 list says: Make an achievable plan of steps to take to have a more environmentally friendly life. Since today is Earth Day, I figured now is a good time to make that list! But first, here are some things we already do: -Recycle cardboard, paper, aluminum, plastic -Drive a hybrid vehicle -Use cold water for laundry & dishes -Minimize use of electricity & use energy efficient bulbs -Use cloth bags for groceries -Drink out of reusable mugs for coffee -Water lawn at night -Buy used when possible Now for the list: Holidays -Put up a real, locally grown tree each year -Make my own cards -Buy energy efficient outdoor LED lights -Choose experiential…
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April 19, 2010

Today, however, if I don’t do it this way it’ll be Friday before I post anything. I seem to be quite busy lately, so here are some things going on. >I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try out the 30-day Shred. I probably won’t be able to do it 30 days in a row due to days I work 12-hour shifts, but I’m going to try. So far I’ve done three days and I’m walking around like an old lady all stiff and jerky. Seriously, I am sore all over it hurts to sit on the freaking toilet. I knew I let myself get soft, but this is ridiculous. >Megan and I saw In the Heights last night…
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Friday Things: To Look Forward To

April 16, 2010

I find it essential for my state of mind to have some good things to anticipate, no matter how big or small. Here are a few things I’m currently excited about! *** This girl (the one on the left), one of my absolute best friends, is back in town after 7 months in Scotland! I spent the afternoon with her and my soul feels more at peace. She’ll be moving to Nashville this summer, so I’m going to try and see her as much as possible before then. *** I’m on a total musical kick lately. In the Heights is in Houston for a few more days and Megan (see above) and I are going to see it on Sunday….
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