Posts About personal

my new life management notebook

August 11, 2014

I think I’ve finally found a life management notebook that is going to work for me. If you’ve been reading for any amount of time you know that I love digital management for the big stuff (mainly iCal for my planner and the Things app for my to-dos and project tasks) but I also find paper and pen very helpful for some things. That led to me trying out a bullet journal, which was pretty effective, but it wasn’t perfect for me. Enter the Discbound system from Staples! I totally researched and purchased all of this on my own but I’m loving it and want to share. So the cool thing about this is that it is flexible like a 3-ring…
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my new life management notebook

August 11, 2014

I think I’ve finally found a life management notebook that is going to work for me. If you’ve been reading for any amount of time you know that I love digital management for the big stuff (mainly iCal for my planner and the Things app for my to-dos and project tasks) but I also find paper and pen very helpful for some things. That led to me trying out a bullet journal, which was pretty effective, but it wasn’t perfect for me. Enter the Discbound system from Staples! I totally researched and purchased all of this on my own but I’m loving it and want to share. So the cool thing about this is that it is flexible like a 3-ring…
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my new life management notebook

August 11, 2014

I think I’ve finally found a life management notebook that is going to work for me. If you’ve been reading for any amount of time you know that I love digital management for the big stuff (mainly iCal for my planner and the Things app for my to-dos and project tasks) but I also find paper and pen very helpful for some things. That led to me trying out a bullet journal, which was pretty effective, but it wasn’t perfect for me. Enter the Discbound system from Staples! I totally researched and purchased all of this on my own but I’m loving it and want to share. So the cool thing about this is that it is flexible like a 3-ring…
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this week

August 8, 2014

Alright folks, link roundup posts are getting pushed to Saturdays because we could use some more real life shenanigans around here, couldn’t we? I say yes. SO. Just two weeks ago Liam and I were home sick for a week, then we had a week of recovery and getting back to normal, then this week I felt like we were hitting our stride again. Half marathon training began on the same day as the gym opened at work, and I made it through a weeny 1.5 miles on the treadmill. It was pretty boring and I’ll have to get used to it, but still better than dying from heat exhaustion. Anyway, the same day Meredith started swim lessons. The last…
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instax home life / 1

August 7, 2014

I started a new little project for myself a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to play around with my Instax mini camera some more, so I started taking a photo with it once a day(ish). The only parameter I set was that it has to capture our home life. So far these have all been taken inside our house, but I will probably expand to outside or our neighborhood at some point. I am still really terrible at using this camera, but I hope by using it every day I will get better! And I can’t wait to eventually do some sort of project with them. >my side of the bed >a mirror in our bedroom >making pancakes >opening…
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