Posts About personal

my favorite moments of every day

July 29, 2014

That first sip of coffee, when the whole house is dark except for the dim light in the reading room, and I settle into my chair and open my Bible. When Liam first wakes up and smiles over and over so wide that he can’t possibly look any happier to be alive, and I pick up his little body and marvel at the fact, once again, that he is here and he is mine. The first time I hug Meredith in the morning and and how she is so warm and cuddly and wanting nothing but to hold me. Seeing David again after we’re both home from work, and just being home. When I pick up the kids from daycare, and Meredith…
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natural personal care products

July 28, 2014

This post has been in the works for literally years, starting with way back when I decided to switch all my personal care products to natural versions. It’s been a super long process because first I used up what I had, and then whenever I would try a new brand if I didn’t love it I would still use it up before trying something new. Finally I’ve come to a place that I’m pretty happy with, although I’m sure I will still try new things (and update as I go). So as I’m choosing products what I think about is: 1) Is it natural and safe? There are some brands that I trust (you’ll notice several) but I also use the Environmental…
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July 18, 2014

snacking on dark chocolate covered almonds. limiting dairy in my diet because it makes me feel bloated. hoping it doesn’t rain tomorrow for Meredith’s birthday party in the park. keeping the party stuff simple. starting a new daily photography project involving my Instax. wishing for a digital camera other than my iPhone. itching to tweak my blog design. loving my morning Bible study time. evaluating our budget. planning my whole-life personal organization notebook. needing to dig deep for patience with the kids sometimes. missing one of the daycare teachers who I’d come to like, who just left to continue her schooling. enjoying the company of David’s aunt who is in town. taking Liam for his six-month checkup this afternoon. feeling energized…
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July 18, 2014

snacking on dark chocolate covered almonds. limiting dairy in my diet because it makes me feel bloated. hoping it doesn’t rain tomorrow for Meredith’s birthday party in the park. keeping the party stuff simple. starting a new daily photography project involving my Instax. wishing for a digital camera other than my iPhone. itching to tweak my blog design. loving my morning Bible study time. evaluating our budget. planning my whole-life personal organization notebook. needing to dig deep for patience with the kids sometimes. missing one of the daycare teachers who I’d come to like, who just left to continue her schooling. enjoying the company of David’s aunt who is in town. taking Liam for his six-month checkup this afternoon. feeling energized…
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