Posts Tagged ‘101 in 1001

Goals Update Redux

November 12, 2009

Goals I have accomplished recently… #5. Make David’s lunch three times a week for a month – This is something that helps us save money and makes it easier for David to eat healthy. It’s just not going to get done unless I do it, and that’s fine with me because I like taking care of my man. I’m not always consistent with this, but the goal did get completed. #23. Transfer my old 401k – This should have been as easy as a conference call, but turned out it was no simple matter, friends. It was actually a YEAR-LONG PROCESS. I am not exaggerating. My financial adviser said that he has never encountered such a difficult transfer. When I…
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Book Club: Olive Kitteridge By Elizabeth Strout

November 9, 2009

Gush, gush, gush, gush, gush! I LOVED this book. Go read it, now! Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, I’ll tell you a little about it: Olive Kitteridge is a retired schoolteacher in her early seventies living in the small coastal town of Crosby, Maine. She is sometimes harsh and sarcastic, sometimes witty, sometimes feisty and possessive, sometimes strangely compassionate and intuitive. She is deeply flawed, and yet I loved her. Each chapter in this novel is a story unto itself. In many of them, Olive is the main character, but in some she just passes through, or is briefly mentioned. We learn about her husband Henry and her grown son Christopher, as well as a…
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#47. Go To Another Dynamo Game

November 8, 2009

The Dynamo are Houston’s major league soccer team. I know most of you are probably like, “Who cares?” and that’s fine. If you were writing about, say, water polo, I would have the same reaction. But I love soccer. I have played it since I was seven years old, and I pretty much lived and breathed it from the time I was in junior high through college. I’ve been playing on adult teams since then, but because of my schedule I can now only play during the summers. So I consider it my duty to support our pro team. I was so excited when my parents told me they had an extra ticket to today’s game! It’s the first round…
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This Is The Way We Were

November 1, 2009

“Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?–every, every minute?” –Emily from “Our Town” In life there are a lot of big things that happen–for example, when we moved out of the city when I was 10, when I went away to college, when I traveled to Europe, when I became a nurse, when I got married–and those are the things that we take pictures of, that we write about, that we remember. But those aren’t the things that really make up our lives. A week ago my husband and I went to see the play “Our Town”, and quite honestly I can’t get it out of my head. There’s no big premise to it, no crazy plots or…
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#57. Take David To Tabor’s Homecoming

October 12, 2009

In case you didn’t know, before I became a nurse I graduated with a BA in youth ministry and philosophy from a small school in Kansas called Tabor College. Now when I say it’s a small school, I mean small. Smaller than your small school. Like, 500 people small. And the town? 3000 people, no stoplight. A rotating selection of restaurants that can never stay in business long. In the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farmland. In other words, a lot different than Houston. My experience at Tabor was amazing, and it really shaped me as a person. Not to mention a couple of my very best friends still live in the area. When I tell people that I go…
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