Posts Tagged ‘cooking

Ten On Tuesday

October 27, 2009

My friend Chelsea (I can totally call her my friend now because we had dinner together once!) has started a weekly feature called “Ten On Tuesday” where she comes up with ten random questions and answers them. I haven’t had the time to participate for the last two weeks, but today I made it a point to because the questions are always interesting. 1. What are you going to be for Halloween? In all likelihood, I won’t dress up at all. I work that day, as well as the day before and after, so I don’t plan to be going anywhere. I think I may have only dressed up for Halloween twice in my entire life. Boring, I know. 2….
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El Burgos

October 24, 2009

Until I’m whipping out meals on a regular basis with ease, I’m going to write about the meals I cook, dangit. I’m still an amateur, so pretty much every recipe I make is new for me, and when it turns out edible I’m still supremely excited! I made this meal last week for my husband and I, and since there was so much of it we invited David’s brother and his wife over. They had already planned on going over to David’s parents’ house, so we just invited the whole crew over. When I told them that I hadn’t even tasted what they were about to eat, my sister-in-law said, “That’s what family’s for!” Luckily it turned out pretty good,…
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Inspiration For Life

October 13, 2009

I stayed with my best friend Becca in Kansas this past weekend, and she inspired me in so many different ways. It was the first time I saw her new house in its mostly-finished state. The last time I was there, last year, they hadn’t moved in yet and it was kind of a wreck. They did all the work on it themselves and now it’s adorable. Talking to her about it really inspired me to get working on my own house again, which I haven’t done a thing for in months. Some ideas I have for the house: Some open shelving in the kitchen, filled with dishes, cute baskets of produce, and spices in mismatched glass jars Plants all…
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On Being A Wife

August 22, 2009

My husband and I have been married almost a year. Although I’m not planning on trading in my scrubs and stethoscope anytime soon, I have this crazy idea that I can be both a full-time, successful nurse and a fantastic, domestic wife. In my mind that means everything from keeping the house clean, doing chores, cooking frequent meals, budgeting and saving money, decorating the house, entertaining, and gardening to birthing babies and keeping my husband happy. In some of those areas I am quite deficient, which bothers me if I’m honest with myself. So yesterday, my day off, I resolved to be the perfect housewife. First there were the four piles of dog vomit that needed to be cleaned. Step…
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Keeping Me Cooking

August 12, 2009

Not all of my stories about patients are sad. Ms. R, only 54, came to us with thyroid cancer. She had a mass that was obstructing her airway so she had to have a trach put in. She then went through many rounds of chemo and got radiation to her neck, which is a tough place to have that treatment because it left her skin burned and the tissue inside her mouth fragile and sore. Since she came into the hospital in May she hasn’t eaten or spoken. She gets fed through a tube in her stomach, and if she wants to say something she uses a whiteboard to write it down. The thing is, Ms. R has been very…
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