Posts Tagged ‘David

Love Story

September 28, 2009

Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to be a nurse. In order to achieve this goal she quit her full-time job, enrolled in school, and began working a few hours a week at an office that offered her flexible hours. She happened to be dating a boy, long-distance, who she was no longer in love with and, in fact, she wasn’t sure she ever really was to begin with. The problem was that this boy was decidedly in love with her, and was making plans to move to her city. When she began her new part-time job she was slowly coming to the realization that she didn’t need to stay in this relationship for loyalty’s sake….
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The Best Advice He’s Ever Heard

August 4, 2009

David: I heard something really good today. “If you live in the past, you get depressed. If you live in the future, you get anxious. You have to live in the present!” I’m going to start living in the present! Me: Yay! Where did you hear that? David: Playboy Radio. Me: … David: It’s not bad, I promise.

#46. walk the kemah boardwalk

June 30, 2009

The weekend right before I went to camp David and I were adult sponsors and small group leaders for a Disciple Now event for the youth group in our church. One of the fun things we did with the kids on Saturday was go to Kemah. I was excited because it was one of the items listed on my 101 goals! Really bad picture of the entrance The very first thing we did (before David lost his nerve ;)) was ride Bullet, the wooden roller coaster. And although it was jarring, it was a blast! If I was rich I would have bought the photo that they took of us while we were on the ride. It showed me smiling,…
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When Even A Looming Vacation Is Stressful

June 19, 2009

On Wednesday I finally gave my presentation at work entitled “Blood Products in Oncology Patients.” I have worked hard on it for months and it has been hanging over my head for even longer. It went well, so I would have been relieved except that only six people showed up to hear it. Thankfully two of those people were my director and my manager. It’s almost impossible to get all the nurses from the unit to be away from their patients for 30 minutes to hear an inservice. But since I am evaluating the effectiveness of my presentation via a pre- and post-quiz, I need more people to hear it than six. So I’ll probably have to give it again,…
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the end is near

May 30, 2009

The end of what? Of this annoyingly long stretch of boring, picture-less posts that mostly have to do with my computer in one way or another. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel because yesterday I spent two hours at the Apple store, and in the end I emerged with a completely functional computer and a brand new iPhone, after I offhandedly asked a question about a small issue I had been having with it. You would think that my problems would be solved, but you would be wrong. First of all, when I brought my computer home and attempted to re-install some programs, I found out that my administrative password wasn’t being accepted. I am…
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