Posts Tagged ‘love and marriage

The Secret To A Successful Marriage

June 8, 2010

I was checking on one of my patients, a sweet eighty-year-old lady, and was about to leave the room when she caught my hand. Her: Are you married? Let me see your ring. (Looks at ring.) Ooh, that’s so pretty! How long have you been married? Me: About a year and a half. Her: Aww, I bet he’s a good one. Me: Yep. I love him. Her: I think that’s so great. I’ve been married for sixty years now, and I still love mine. Of course when you get older it’s different. It was really hard when we found out that I had cancer, but you have to go somehow! My husband and I dealt with it and then he…
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A Competitive Sport

April 26, 2010

Over the weekend David and I found ourselves discussing our respective domestic chores. Since we were left with nothing but applesauce, hummus, and pickles in our fridge, it was time to go shopping. After a brief discussion about what we needed David said to me, “You’ve let us run out of some things lately.” Feeling an assault on my wifely skills, I immediately responded on the offensive. “Who do you think cleans the house and does your laundry? Who is planning this week’s meals and is going shopping?” He came right back with, “Who cleaned the floors the other day? And you may go on a big shopping trip once every two weeks, but I buy a lot of little…
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A Renewal Of Vows

October 4, 2009

This was intended to be published on October 3, our actual anniversary. A combination of a lack of Internet access and foresight prevented that from happening, so here it is, a little late. *** I, Kathleen, take you, David, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; I promise to nudge you in the morning when your alarm goes off the first time, as well as when it goes off the thirtieth time, and I’ll only give you a little bit of a hard time about it. I promise to forcibly get you out of bed, if needed, so that you won’t be late for work, because I know that even though you may seem…
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things i love about my husband

September 30, 2009

One of my goals is to write David a list of 100 things I love about him, and this is the perfect time for that. Here are 90 of those things, because the other ten are just for us. He remembers everything I say. He likes to run errands. I rarely have to do the grocery shopping. He made up “Family Bed Time” for us and the dogs, where we spend time loving on them, cuddling, and talking when we get home from work. His warm soft body, especially because I’m always cold! Listening to him softly snore in the morning. How he can fall asleep in 2 seconds no matter where he is. All his little noises. Our “lang”….
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I Still Do

September 29, 2009

I loved my wedding. It was a huge affair with over 200 guests, planned for 8 months, stressed me out to the max, but it was worth it. The entire weekend was the best in my life. If I were to go back and do it again, there wouldn’t be much I would change. So here, enjoy a completely gratuitous slideshow of wedding pictures that I made. I’m happy to report that my marriage is even more amazing than the wedding was. I would do it all over again every single day of my life. Music is “This Kind Of Love” by Sister Hazel. All photos by Christine Tremoulet. Copyright 2008, all Rights Reserved. If the pictures are slightly blurry,…
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