Posts Tagged ‘love and marriage

Does This Mean I Need Another Vacation?

January 24, 2009

Last night when I went to sleep at 8 p.m. David lay down in bed with me and took a nap. It was a nap because he could never ACTUALLY go to bed that early. Anyway, he decided to get up a couple of hours later, once I was already asleep. Apparently his movement stirred me halfway out of my dream, because I started talking to him. He thought I was completely awake. I wasn’t just babbling random words though, or so he tells me. I started clearly demanding that he give me all his prescriptions and medical records so that we could get him admitted to the hospital. Since I’m a nurse and he had been sleeping, he seriously…
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One Hazard of Marriage

January 15, 2009

I absolutely love being married. I don’t have anything to complain about, except this: it has become exponentially harder for me to wake up in the morning. Over the course of these few months of marriage, I have gotten into the bad habit of pressing my snooze button for 30 minutes, which is just not acceptable! I believe this is for a combination of reasons: 1. Being married and having two incomes allowed us to buy something I’ve dreamed about for years: a Tempur Pedic mattress. In my opinion, it is amazing. Perfectly forms around my body, with just the right amount of give. 2. Although for awhile my dog Cleo was too excited about the prospect of an entire…
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Sleeping Habits

November 2, 2008

You never really know much about how you sleep until you start sleeping in the same bed with someone for a period of time. Take me, for example. I’ve never been told that I snore, talk in my sleep, sleepwalk, or anything like that. I assumed that I curl up on my side, eventually roll over onto my back, and stay like that without moving for pretty much the whole night. I go to sleep much earlier than David does, so he tucks me in at night and then comes to join me a few hours later. Most of the time I don’t even notice when he gets in bed. But the other night I vaguely remember rousing to him shaking me and…
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Hello Friends,

October 16, 2008

I’m alive, I’m married, I’m happy, and I’m busy! Our wedding was amazing. Or so I thought, at least. I keep checking my photographer’s website for pictures, but they aren’t up yet. I really want to share those with you, but for now please be satisfied with the pictures from our honeymoon. I am just going to give you the link to Flickr, because I already did a lot of work with the pictures on there and I’m too lazy to choose the best ones to put up here. Except for this one, which is my absolute favorite: We went to Kauai, Hawaii and it was the perfect place. Not commercial at all, completely relaxing, with tons to do if…
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Making It

September 25, 2008

I wish I had more time to update you, but my goodness life is a whirlwind right now. Last night I went to David’s for the evening and it was the first time we’d seen each other in four days. We watched DVDs of “The Office,” indulged in chicken fried rice, and worked on wedding favors. I really needed a night like that. The wedding is in eight days – wow, my heart just started pounding – and somehow I think everything is going to come together. There are still a bunch of details to get out of the way, but thankfully I have this weekend off. Although I do have to work three days next week. Speaking of work, it…
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