Posts Tagged ‘Music

Obsession: Glee Channel On Pandora Radio

May 27, 2010

I’ve never seen a single episode of Glee, but I’ve heard so much hype about it for so long that I, a huge fan of musicals, decided to at least listen to some of the songs. And since I’m cheap, I hit up Pandora Radio and created my very own Glee channel. When the second song that played was “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid my heart may have skipped a beat. (Oh come on, don’t pretend like you don’t know all the words to it and never swam around in the pool acting out the life of Ariel – especially the part where she climbs up on that rock and the waves crash around her and she’s…
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Sing, Sing, Sing

December 20, 2009

Some of you have mentioned that you’d like to hear me sing, so to make that happen I wrangled my brother into recording this video with me. I find his expression hilarious throughout the entire thing. First of all, he is The Silent Man. Secondly, check out his overgrown mustache/weekend beard combo. And finally, you can tell by his eyes that he is super distracted. That might be because I made him do this during the fourth quarter of the Texans game, which was on mute right in front of us. Anyway, this song is called “White Horse” and it’s by my favorite band, Over the Rhine. I don’t do it nearly as well as they do, but I sure…
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#41. Attend A Messiah Sing-a-long

December 13, 2009

Or, How I Met My New Best Friend. I wanted to go to a sing-a-long of Handel’s Messiah because I sang it for four years in college when I was in choir, and I miss it. I wasn’t even going to blog about this event, but that was before I sat next to Gladys. My mom and I were looking for the soprano section, as there were no signs and it wasn’t our church. I noticed that many of the people had on maroon collared shirts, so I figured they must be the church choir. We walked up to one of the rows and were pleasantly surprised that we had found the right place. Gladys graciously scootched herself over to…
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Burning Questions

November 14, 2009

Y’all have been there for me in the past, so answer me these questions! 1. I need some new music. Suggestions? I like acoustic guitar and piano-based stuff, but not exclusively. Over the Rhine has become my all-time favorite band, but some of my other favorites are Nickel Creek and Sandra McCracken. Recently I’m really enjoying Katie Herzig. I need some new Christmas songs too, just not the cheesy ones that they play on the radio. 2. What are your favorite kitchen tools and gadgets? I’m still working on my Christmas list (even though it is super long already) and I want to know what I can’t live without. 3. What are your favorite iPhone apps? I’m especially looking for…
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The End Of The Summer

September 22, 2009

I’m gathering that most people are ready for summer to end. It’s been a hot one, it’s true. People are ready for cooler weather, sweaters and boots, school supplies, football, the leaves changing colors, the smell of autumn in the air, holidays, new TV shows, and the colors of fall. Some of those things have already arrived, but today autumn officially begins. I’m enjoying most of the things that come along with the new season, but I can’t help but mourn the passing of summer. It’s my favorite season. To me it’s nostalgia, warm nights, tank tops and sandals, barbecues, swimming, bright colors, road trips, fresh fruit, romance, fishing in the ocean with my husband, and everything green. This song…
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