Posts Tagged ‘nursing

a day in the life of this working mom

November 16, 2011

1:00 AM – Meredith nurses, then back to sleep 5:00 AM – My alarm goes off. Meredith nurses again and I press snooze a few times. 5:27 AM – Time to get out of bed & get ready! Meredith is still sleeping so I get dressed and get breakfast prepared. 5:50 AM  – Get Meredith up and dressed. 6:00 AM – Say goodbye to David and make sure he gets out of bed. 6:07 AM – Leave the house! 6:10 AM – Drop Meredith at daycare and linger for a few minutes. 6:14 AM – Leave daycare and start the drive to work. 6:56 AM – Park at the remote lot and get on the train.7:08 AM – The train drops me off. 7:14 AM – Arrive at work…
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Workplace Happiness

October 23, 2011

Going to work is kind of necessary for most of us. Unless you are independently wealthy, have a sugar daddy, are still in school, or just make a lot of sacrifices and frugal choices to stay at home, you probably work. Usually it’s around 40 hours a week, some more, some less. That’s a huge chunk of time, so it makes sense that how you feel while at work is going to have a big impact on your overall happiness. I’d say the best way to stay happy at work is to love what you do. I’m a registered nurse, and I’m really glad I can say that I do love it. I work in outpatient oncology, and the bulk…
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Notes From A Working Mother

October 1, 2011

Well guys, I did it. I made it through a whole week of work! I have so many things to say I don’t even know where to start. I guess with the fact that I am not, as feared, now incompetent at my job. I’m pleased to report that I remember how to do everything, and not only that but I am more awesome at it than before. This is obviously due to the fact that I was grossly pregnant for about a million years and I am no longer thus, meaning I have TONS of energy that I’m not used to having, and also my hands are no longer numb, well, two fingertips are and probably always will be,…
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Today’s Success

November 24, 2010

I don’t know why, but I woke up this morning feeling very emotionally precarious. I felt like I could cry at any moment, even though absolutely nothing bad had happened. I’ve been having difficulty at work starting IV’s. I hardly ever got to practice this skill while I worked in the hospital, and now I have to do it several times a week, sometimes multiple times a day. I might be successful 50% of the time, but I don’t think it’s that much. It’s very embarrassing to keep having to ask for help with this. On my way to work this morning I prayed that I wouldn’t have to start any. It’s almost Thanksgiving, I didn’t feel well, and I…
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Friday Things: To Focus On

November 12, 2010

Now that I’ve pretty much gotten settled into my new routine, I took stock of my life and decided that there are a few things that I need to focus on in the immediate future, and here they are. Study for (and pass!) the OCN exam. This is a priority. I take the oncology certification test on November 30, and I really need to pass. First of all, I’m taking the day off work for it, and I will be SO embarrassed if I come back the next day having failed. But mostly, it cost $265 to apply to take, and another $250 for a review course. If I pass, I get reimbursed. That’s a big incentive. Get Cleo back…
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