Posts Tagged ‘nursing

Elsewhere: Featured Career

May 31, 2010

I was happy to be interviewed by Amber at Girl with the Red Hair for her Monday Meeting Featured Career. I know I had no idea what being a nurse was really like until I decided to become one, and you might not either. Go visit her blog today and read about the ups and downs of nursing, a typical shift, and why it’s not exactly like Grey’s Anatomy. And if you’re interested in stories, check out my nursing thread!

Ashes To Ashes

February 17, 2010

I was rushing around today at work, busy as usual. Even though I’m not giving chemo right now, there’s still plenty to do. I was in the middle of admitting a patient when my manager came to the door to get me. I read her lips, and that’s how I discovered that one of my other patients had just died. It was somewhat expected by this point, although the disease conquered her in just a few months. The family wanted an autopsy done, not because they didn’t know why she had died, but because she was the kind of person who would have wanted her death to mean something. They wanted as much knowledge to come out of it as…
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Yesterday Was Depressing, And I’m Not Talking About the UT Game

January 8, 2010

Yesterday was my amazing husband’s birthday, and I wanted to make it a happy one for him even though I had to work 12 hours and we aren’t “celebrating” until tonight. I woke up in a great mood, decorated a bit, left his personal gift from me out for him to find when he woke up, and headed to work. He loved the gift and had a great day at work. I was trying to keep in touch with him and be extremely positive, but around noon some things started happening that made it hard for me to do that. I could draw these stories out and make you cry, because I certainly did, but I don’t want to be…
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Christmas “Vacation”

December 29, 2009

So Christmas happened, and I kind of feel like I missed it. The day itself was fantastic: Lil Smokies, banana bread, coffee, and OJ for breakfast at my parents’ house, cuddling with my husband on the couch, opening stockings and presents, four dogs playing in the discarded wrapping paper, becoming obsessed with Words With Friends and playing against my brothers all day, my in-laws coming over for a delicious meal, and seeing Sherlock Holmes. The problem was, it was over so fast. It’s really tough to get vacation days around the holidays when you work in a hospital, so I didn’t ask for any. I worked up until Christmas Eve, then I worked all weekend and finished up with a…
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A Title Would Require Some Sort of Brainpower

November 23, 2009

I’ve gotta teach myself to schedule these posts ahead of time. It’s just not happening tonight. Today I found out that five of our patients died over the weekend. I took care of seven patients. I barely sat down for twelve hours. Can you forgive me this lazy post? Lately I feel like I’m always complaining about how tired I am because of work. Yeah, I am exhausted after these long days, but ordinarily I wouldn’t be trying to blog on days like this. It’s just because I’m forcing myself to write every day this month that you are gaining insight into this side of me. I apologize if it is boring or annoying, but just bear with me for…
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