Posts Tagged ‘pets

dog park, farmer’s market, paint, and mothers

May 11, 2010

It’s Tuesday and I’m still reliving my weekend. So what? I got a nice surprise on Friday when I was supposed to work until 7 p.m. and they let me off at 3. I was able to beat the traffic and convinced David to go on a mini-date. We went to Potbelly Subs & Sandwiches for dinner and then went back home to pick up the dogs. This part took a lot more convincing, because handling all three dogs at once is no easy task. But I recently bought these adorable tags for them, and now we could legitimately take Oliver to the dog park. It was Oliver’s first time there, so we were nervous. He’s still not neutered (I…
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My Return To Exercise: Wii Fit Plus Style

March 29, 2010

Right before my miscarriage my doctor told me to stop exercising. Because two drastic health events followed that, I’ve been hesitant to start up again. But with a lot of rest, medication, and supplements, I’m finally feeling strong enough. There is a sprint triathlon in August that I’m shooting for, and I’ll start training for that in a couple months. Until then, I want to build up my strength and get back to my baseline of fitness. I mentioned before that the folks at Brand About Town chose me to be a Nintendo Enthusiast. I was extremely excited to find a Wii, Wii Fit Plus, and a book called The Triathlon Training Bible in the mail one day. I immediately…
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a weekend like that

March 15, 2010

Y’all. I had such a great weekend. I didn’t even realize how much I needed some time off where I wasn’t having my insides ripped out of me, puking my guts out, or recovering from either of the above, but I can tell you now that I needed it. I know because today I am happy, and I didn’t even mind getting up at 4:30 a.m. on Daylight Savings weekend to go to work. It was such a great weekend that I am about to relive it right here – not for YOUR benefit, per se – but for my own. After I got let off work early on Friday I unknowingly headed straight into a traffic catastrophe that put…
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Friday Things

March 5, 2010

Today was a hard day for me, emotionally. It started last night out of nowhere, and then when I received a package this morning that I had ordered for future baby, well, you can imagine how that made me feel. So in order to avoid being too depressing, here is some randomness from the week. My dogs can be really cute and sweet. Even Oliver. But then he goes and eats my books. Four so far, to be exact. Taken from the bookshelf. Oh, and I chopped off my hair. Why? I don’t know. Something to do. Other things I’m thinking about: I think it’s time to start exercising again. There is a super sprint triathlon on May 9 that…
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Dog Days Of…Winter?

February 19, 2010

So the whole three dogs scenario is turning out to be pretty tough. Let me preface by saying that I am crazy about dogs, but I in no way know how to train them. Not only do I not know how, but I am not interested in learning. I don’t have the time, energy, or patience. I don’t think this makes me a terrible person; I think it makes me normal. We were blessed that Cleo and Eddie are so well-behaved. Pretty much the only bad thing they do is chew the window sills, and Eddie has these random panic attacks that disturb our sleep from time to time, but overall they are very laid-back and sweet. We had a…
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