Posts Tagged ‘pets

#97. Buy Another Leash and Walk the Dogs Simultaneously

April 23, 2009

I’ve let my dog Cleo get fat. There’s no getting around it; she’s gained a lot of weight since I got her a year and a half ago. This is what she looked like then: And this is what she looks like now: She’s a good couple inches rounder, and look at all that back fat! It’s embarrassing. Back then she could run 5 miles with me no problem, and now when I try to take her on a run she can barely make it around the neighborhood. (Full disclosure: I can’t run 5 miles anymore either.) I chalk this change up to two things: 1) I live with David now, and one of his favorite things is giving dogs…
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On Starting To Exercise Again

January 17, 2009

When I first got Cleo over a year ago, I was running a lot. I would take her to the park and we would run 5 miles together no problem. (Well, no problem after I purchased her a choke collar having learned the hard way that she loves to chase squirrels.) I was in pretty good shape then, and it felt good.  Now I look at Cleo, and there is a reason we call her our little sausage. She even has a couple of back fat rolls. And yesterday, my nurse mentor/friend Pat said to me, “I’m not saying this because you look like you’ve put a single pound on your body, but have you gained weight? I’m only asking…
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One Hazard of Marriage

January 15, 2009

I absolutely love being married. I don’t have anything to complain about, except this: it has become exponentially harder for me to wake up in the morning. Over the course of these few months of marriage, I have gotten into the bad habit of pressing my snooze button for 30 minutes, which is just not acceptable! I believe this is for a combination of reasons: 1. Being married and having two incomes allowed us to buy something I’ve dreamed about for years: a Tempur Pedic mattress. In my opinion, it is amazing. Perfectly forms around my body, with just the right amount of give. 2. Although for awhile my dog Cleo was too excited about the prospect of an entire…
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It’s Not Just For Looking Pretty

December 28, 2008

Oh right, I have a blog, and it’s something I’m supposed to WRITE in. I guess I’ve given myself kind of a break, because of the whole my-husband-had-surgery-right-before-we-moved-into-our-new-house business. We are having a lot of fun being there, but it sure is a lot of work. We still have a lot of walls to paint, fixtures, furniture, and other necessities to buy, as well as unpacking and organizing to do. There are times when it’s overwhelming, because I simply don’t have the time or energy to get it all done anytime soon, which is what my personality dictates. David told me the other day, “You know how I can tell that you’ve been really tired lately? I can leave a mess…
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Happy Birthday Cleo!

September 2, 2008

Today is Cleo’s adoption day, the day that will forever after be known as her birthday. When I got her one year ago, they told me she was about two years old. So today, Cleo turns three! Here she is before we named her, when she was known as “Baby.” We knew that would have to go. We chose her because out of all the dogs at the pound, she was the only one that wasn’t barking. Little did I know that one year later, barking would be her major flaw. When we first brought her home, she was so scared she wouldn’t eat. When she finally did, I was so excited that I captured the moment. I didn’t care…
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