Posts Tagged ‘pets

Dog Park

March 30, 2008

David and I took the three dogs to the dog park on Saturday. Our dogs include Cleo (of course), his dog Eddy who is a lab mix, and his brother Chris’s dog Sydney, a boxer. As soon as we got there Cleo went off on her own, making new friends, swimming, and basically having a grand old time. She didn’t need us so we let her go, and I kept an eye on her from time to time. Eddy and Sydney didn’t want to leave our side, so we started walking around the park so that they could enjoy it. David said that he would rather them not get in the water so we walked the other way instead. Unfortunately,…
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Pictures of Life

March 25, 2008

Just wanted to share with you a few random images from the past week. Here is the bulletin board at my school: This is where I discover new clinical trials to take part in. Currently I’m involved in a 7-month bird flu vaccine study, and I’m also scheduled to go play some computer games while having an MRI done on Wednesday. Here is Cleo playing with Riley, one of the dogs I pet-sit: [Video lost. Sad.] They got along great, and as you can see Cleo was not intimidated by Riley’s size. But unfortunately the two of them together caused a little more trouble than either of them on their own. The victims were two wooden chess pieces and a…
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My Most Prized Possession…

February 11, 2008

…used to be my computer. Now it’s this: Every year the youth group at my church puts on a “Sweetheart Banquet” as a fundraiser for the summer mission trip. Last year David and I attended together and even though we had been dating for a few weeks beforehand, it was the first night that I realized I was truly interested in a relationship with him as a potentially serious thing. David and I spent the entire day together Saturday at his house doing schoolwork. In the evening as we were getting ready for the Sweetheart Banquet his dad called to ask if we would swing by their house on our way to the church to let out their dog, Niko….
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Walking Cleo

February 4, 2008

Lately, while walking Cleo, I’ve caught her trying to roll in another dog’s feces. This has happened before. I don’t always catch her before she does it, either, because yeah, dogs are weird and they like excrement. I will let her sniff it to her heart’s content, but wiping her face in it? No. Absolutely not, that is unacceptable. Also, last week she bit my leg and bruised it. She was just nipping, because she got really excited, but I did not appreciate it. I really can’t stay mad at her long though, because she gives me something to cuddle with at night, which I desperately need, and it gives me so much pleasure when she licks my feet. Also,…
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bad and good

January 23, 2008

The bad: >The aforementioned friendship troubles. No updates there yet. >The relay team that I’m supposed to be in charge of is falling apart. >Finding time to fit in class, work, clinical, studying, soccer games, book club, applying for jobs, running, and relationships. The good: >I love David, and he loves me. Our one-year anniversary is on Sunday. >Being a nurse is great, and so is my clinical in the surgical ICU. >Things to look forward to: anniversary, birthday, Over the Rhine concert, Valentine’s Day. >Cleo is the best dog ever, and I am her favorite person of all. Just a quick update because I don’t have much time this week.