Posts Tagged ‘travel

New York, New York

April 12, 2010

I don’t know why I thought I would have free internet access in my hotel in New York City this past week, because everything there is a million dollars excluding hot dogs on the street. I originally wanted to update you day by day about this long anticipated vacation, but instead you’re getting this brief recap. Day One – Monday We were out of the door by 5:30 a.m. that morning, but by the time we were checked in and settled in our hotel it was 3:00 p.m. We stayed in the Marriott Marquis, which is in the center of Times Square: convenient, but a very expensive area. We ventured out into the giant mass of tourists and I took…
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new things

February 10, 2010

There have been a lot of exciting things happening around here. Finally I get to share them with you! First of all, if you’ll take a minute to click through, you’ll notice my new design. There are still a few odds and ends to clean up here and there, but it’s basically done. I absolutely love it, and I hope you do too. Thanks to my brother for doing all the leg work, and so much faster than I expected! Now on to the other stuff… My husband is going to a conference in New York City in April, and for my birthday my in-laws got me a plane ticket to accompany him. My parents got me the guidebook plus…
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#57. Take David To Tabor’s Homecoming

October 12, 2009

In case you didn’t know, before I became a nurse I graduated with a BA in youth ministry and philosophy from a small school in Kansas called Tabor College. Now when I say it’s a small school, I mean small. Smaller than your small school. Like, 500 people small. And the town? 3000 people, no stoplight. A rotating selection of restaurants that can never stay in business long. In the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farmland. In other words, a lot different than Houston. My experience at Tabor was amazing, and it really shaped me as a person. Not to mention a couple of my very best friends still live in the area. When I tell people that I go…
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San Antonio, The Rest Of The Story

October 6, 2009

So anyway, I kind of got carried away with the penguins there, but David and I actually did do other things in San Antonio other than obsess over sea animals. We stayed in this lovely bed and breakfast, the King William Manor, which I highly recommend to anyone: I can’t tell you enough how much I loved staying in a bed and breakfast instead of a hotel. I feel like I can’t go back now! I loved how homey it felt. I loved having a host. I loved that each room was unique. I loved being served breakfast in the morning at whatever time I asked. It was just adorable. On our one full day in San Antonio we spent…
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#55. Change Passport to Married Name.

July 4, 2009

Another easy goalĀ out of the way! All I had to do for this one was shell out the $75 fee and get my paperwork together. It required me to mail in my old passport, and while I was not sorry to see that horrible picture go I was sorry to part with all the stamps I had acquired: Three examples: France, England, Ireland. Just the other day I got my new passport in the mail. All clean and blank and empty, full of potential. David has never been out of the country so I hope to take him one day. Oh, and they also mailed me my old passport back. :)