Posts Tagged ‘travel

Kansas Weekend

August 3, 2008

I’m back home from the whirlwind Kansas trip where one of my best friends, Ellen, got married. As a bonus I got to see a few extra friends and introduce David to many people. Most of it is a blur, but here are some thoughts regarding the weekend. To see the rest of the pictures and more of the story, go HERE. The rehearsal dinner had all you can eat barbecue. I’m usually not so much a fan of barbecue, but the side dishes were so good that I stuffed myself. We got to visit my best friend Becca, who is 8 months pregnant. She and her husband just bought a fixer-upper house. Here we are in front of it….
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DC Day Two

October 31, 2007

Click here to check out the rest of my pictures from my trip! (Hint: click on the pictures in the slideshow to see details.) My second day included a Capitol tour, visiting the Library of Congress where I got a library card (supposedly for “research purposes only and NOT to be used as souvenirs…I figure I might come back and do research, right?), viewing the Supreme Court building, botanical gardens, a whirlwind tour of the Holocaust Museum, and a final visit to the Washington Monument. I did all that in four hours, and then my feet wanted to kill me.

Washington, D.C.

October 28, 2007

I’m visiting my good friend Ellen in Washington, D.C. this weekend. I’m a little jet setter lately! I’m ready to be settled in at home again, but it won’t happen next week. But anyway, we’ll get to that at a later date. Day one of my visit, Friday, was spent with Ellen at work, and then lounging at her apartment eating cookies, talking, and watching Scrubs. Day two involved sleeping in, watching more Scrubs, going to a wedding, and hauling out to Annapolis to see Over the Rhine in concert, which was, by the way, amazing. Day three (today) we went to church and then walked the heck out of DC. What we saw: Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, National…
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Weekend Update

October 22, 2007

I went to Kansas for my college’s homecoming this past weekend. For those of you who didn’t go to a small school, homecoming is more like a reunion than anything because I pretty much know everyone who comes. I still have 4-5 really good friends who live in Kansas, so I’ve made it a tradition to go to homecoming every year to see them. I stayed with my best friend Becca and her husband Micah while I was there. I had signed up to run the homecoming 5K by myself, but when I was packing I couldn’t find my iPod. That was annoying because running by myself without music isn’t that great. So on Saturday morning I asked Becca, “You…
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Destination: Pompeii

August 24, 2007

Today is the anniversary of the destruction of Pompeii by Mt. Vesuvius. Pompeii has always held a fascination for me. I think it’s the combination of its age, the remnants of daily life that it preserved, and its uniqueness. When I went to Greece it was the Acropolis that had me transfixed. In Russia, the Tolstoy House Museum was my favorite tourist site. Pompeii is a combination of the aspects that each of these offered. Most of what scholars know of daily life in ancient Roman culture comes from Pompeii. It was a thriving city at the time, and most people probably didn’t even know that Mt. Vesuvius was a volcano. It was also five miles away, so they probably…
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