Friday Things

September 21, 2012

I’m home today because last night, after a lovely evening at my in-laws’ house for dinner where I got to read uninterrupted for something like thirty minutes and Meredith played outside, and after she fell asleep all cuddled up to me in bed, Meredith lost her dinner four times all over the sheets, herself, and me. Then this morning after a 3:30 a.m. nursing session she repeated the experience. Something new for the baby book! Meredith’s first vomit!


In the blog revamp arena, I’ve been going back through my archives from the beginning to edit and update old posts. A few thoughts:

>I like me from 5 years ago. And I miss my friends & roommates from that time a LOT.

>It’s soooo weird to read about about David as my boyfriend. Feels like we’ve been married forEVER.

>I would write posts with, like, one sentence in them. Obviously this was before Twitter.

>The focus of my writing has changed a ton, just like I have changed. I like where it’s headed now, but back then I used to put more effort into writing about everyday stuff. Sometimes it was boring, but sometimes it was really funny or insightful.

Also, I’m super excited that I hooked my brother, the actual web designer, into coming over in a couple weeks to redo my design. Either he felt guilty when he read my last post, or he shuddered to think about the outcome of me designing my own blog. Anyway, it isn’t going to happen unless I’m there in person supervising and forcing him to work, so I got him on the calendar!


Things I’m succeeding at lately: work (i.e. being a great nurse and not getting overwhelmed there), getting lots of sleep, brainstorming creative ideas, keeping in touch with friends, spending time with family, not spending extra money even though I really really want to, reading, keeping the house basically clean and decluttered.

Things that aren’t going so well: cooking, carving out child-free time with David, finding time to work on anything creative, social media, taking pictures, eating healthy, any kind of exercising, my spiritual discipline.


Meredith is taking an epic nap right now so maybe I can use what’s left of it to AT LEAST do a little something fun.

Posted in: blog, personal, me, motherhood

Comments on Friday Things

  1. 1

    From Elizabeth:

    Poor baby! I hope she’s feeling all better after her nap!

  2. 2

    From Amy:

    I hope Meredith is feeling better!

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