Posts About blog

reader survey results

September 23, 2014

It took me awhile, but I was finally able to sit down and sort through the answers to my first ever reader survey. Today I want to share the results with you, what I’ve learned, and how it will affect my blogging in the future. First of all, I want to sincerely thank those of you who took the time to do this for me. I think the main thing I took away from the whole thing is that although I may have a small-ish number of readers, you are loyal and awesome and constructive and sweet. Many of you took the time to leave me encouragement and there wasn’t a single harsh or rude word written. Yay! So, duh…
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blogging plans and a reader survey

August 21, 2014

If you are reading via email or in a feed reader, please click through to the site today! Thank you! Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us. –1 Thessalonians 2:8 It may sound strange, but when I read those words in my Bible study this week I thought about this blog. Sometimes blogging feels like such a solitary activity, a lot of work for little return, at low points even a waste of time. Sometimes it is hard to open up and be vulnerable. It can be scary to share life. But that is what I’ve decided to…
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why i want to blog more, not less

May 22, 2014

You may have noticed that for the past six weeks or so, I’ve been blogging every week day instead of my previous 2-3 times per week. I’ve always wanted to try a more frequent blogging schedule, and now that I have a little extra time in my days I thought I would give it a shot. I’ve been second guessing my decision though. Every time I read a post about why someone is deciding to step back from blogging as often, or as personally, or at all, I think, “Should I be doing this? Am I wasting my time?” I also question whether or not I’ll be able to keep up with this; not that it matters to anyone if…
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Back to Blogging

October 22, 2012

It’s been a couple of months since I’ve been blogging regularly, and it was a much needed break for me, but I’m ready to jump back into it. For better or for worse, blogging is a part of me and I have a connection to this space and to many of you that will stay with me forever. The break served its purpose though – I fulfilled all of the goals I set out to accomplish with it. Yay! I also caught up on some crafting, read many books, started precepting a new hire at work, got a lot of sleep, spent some extra time with my family, and went on vacation for a week to visit some of my…
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Friday Things

September 21, 2012

I’m home today because last night, after a lovely evening at my in-laws’ house for dinner where I got to read uninterrupted for something like thirty minutes and Meredith played outside, and after she fell asleep all cuddled up to me in bed, Meredith lost her dinner four times all over the sheets, herself, and me. Then this morning after a 3:30 a.m. nursing session she repeated the experience. Something new for the baby book! Meredith’s first vomit! *** In the blog revamp arena, I’ve been going back through my archives from the beginning to edit and update old posts. A few thoughts: >I like me from 5 years ago. And I miss my friends & roommates from that time…
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