Posts About motherhood

thoughts on second babies

March 8, 2012

This is my first baby. She is awesome. She is so awesome that she makes me want to have more babies. But she is also so awesome that I am afraid to have more babies. That’s my thesis statement, and now on to the essay: I’ve always wanted more than one kid. When people ask me how many I want I just say that we’ll have one and see how that goes, and if we have another we’ll see how that goes. We’ll figure it out as we go. Well we have one now, and it is AMAZING. It’s better than I ever could have hoped. It took us two and a half years to have Meredith, and I would…
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meredith at seven months

February 21, 2012

I know I covered up her adorable fat rolls this month, but David bought her this perfect mermaid outfit and I had to put her in it. We call her Mermaid more often than anything so it really fits! She: >Still has no teeth, which is perfectly fine with me. >Sits by herself better and better all the time, and plays well independently. >Isn’t mobile yet, but I know it’s coming. She gets herself on her tummy all the time now, pushes up (and occasionally pushes up her pelvis too), and scoots a bit. >Loves the dogs! Cleo is especially interested in her, and anytime she starts licking Meredith opens her mouth. Gross, child. Meredith actually fell off the couch…
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meredith at seven months

February 21, 2012

I know I covered up her adorable fat rolls this month, but David bought her this perfect mermaid outfit and I had to put her in it. We call her Mermaid more often than anything so it really fits! She: >Still has no teeth, which is perfectly fine with me. >Sits by herself better and better all the time, and plays well independently. >Isn’t mobile yet, but I know it’s coming. She gets herself on her tummy all the time now, pushes up (and occasionally pushes up her pelvis too), and scoots a bit. >Loves the dogs! Cleo is especially interested in her, and anytime she starts licking Meredith opens her mouth. Gross, child. Meredith actually fell off the couch…
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Stuff We Loved: 3-6 Months

January 31, 2012

We still loved and used a lot of the same things as before during the past few months, but as Meredith has grown and developed, new items and routines have made their appearance. Here are some new things we loved. >Ergo baby carrierĀ (mine is in sienna sunset.) – I’ve tried a few slings and wraps and such, but this is my carrier of choice. We couldn’t use it until Meredith could hold her head up well, but there is an infant insert if you want to use it earlier. Anyway, I love that it goes over both shoulders and has tons of lower back support, I love that all you do is clip her in, I love all the pockets,…
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meredith at six months

January 23, 2012

She: >Weighs 18 pounds even and is 26.5 inches long, which is 75th percentile for both. She wears all 6-12 month clothes now. Nice and chubby! >Is so grabby and purposeful with her movements now! She can pick things up, pull things toward her, and manipulate them in her hands much better. I especially love when she’s nursing, her free hand reaches up and plays with my hair, twirling it, caressing it, and eventually yanking it. However, she has also tumped an entire glass of water over at restaurants twice now. I am learning my lesson! >Can basically sit up on her own now, although we still have to watch her because she’ll get distracted and topple. >Makes all kinds…
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