Posts About motherhood

meredith at ten months

May 21, 2012

She: >Was totally not in the mood for this photoshoot. It’s kind of a miracle it happened at all. >Wears 12-18 month clothes now, and we won’t buy anything smaller than 18 months because of her rapidly expanding thighs. If only they were as cute on me as they are on her. >Still waves sometimes, but she’s more into pointing these days. >Plays with her hair for comfort (see above picture). >Stands! And cruises! She got hold of a stable walking toy the other day at her grandparents’ house and walked across two rooms. Maybe she’ll be walking by her first birthday after all. >Is resisting going to sleep at night more and more. On the nights that we are…
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it’s mother’s day and i’m someone’s mommy.

May 13, 2012

I was super spoiled today. It was better than my birthday, I think. My husband said that being a mom is more important than just having a birthday, but I don’t know – I have to make it another year to continue being a mommy! Regardless, he treated me. Meredith woke up at 5:45 a.m., like she does, but instead of getting up I just nudged him and he took her without complaining and I slept another glorious two hours. When I arose I was met with a balloon, flower, sweet card, and a pretty pair of earrings. (I was also allowed to shop for myself yesterday guilt free.) He made me coffee and breakfast and continued taking care of…
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how infertility changed me

April 26, 2012

It’s national infertility awareness week, and before it passes by I felt like acknowledging it because although I am a mother now, I come from a place of infertility. I have PCOS, and although ours is not a particularly long story, we did undergo two years of waiting, an unknown future, one horrific miscarriage, many different tests and medications, and in the middle of it all my husband had both of his hips replaced. At the end of the two years I found myself in the therapist’s office struggling with depression that I didn’t want to let out of control. Once you deal with infertility, in any form, you are changed. In some ways it scarred me. I still carry…
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how infertility changed me

April 26, 2012

It’s national infertility awareness week, and before it passes by I felt like acknowledging it because although I am a mother now, I come from a place of infertility. I have PCOS, and although ours is not a particularly long story, we did undergo two years of waiting, an unknown future, one horrific miscarriage, many different tests and medications, and in the middle of it all my husband had both of his hips replaced. At the end of the two years I found myself in the therapist’s office struggling with depression that I didn’t want to let out of control. Once you deal with infertility, in any form, you are changed. In some ways it scarred me. I still carry…
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meredith at nine months

April 20, 2012

She: >Went from zero to crawling in about three days, and now she’s all over the place. I’m fast figuring out what needs to be babyproofed: she will go directly for cords and electrical outlets, but so far hasn’t shown any interest in opening cabinets. >Enjoys pulling things out, like books off the shelves, chip bags out of the pantry, and toys out of a basket. It keeps her occupied for a good while until she’s surrounded by a mound of stuff and gets stuck. >Loves to be outside, and it will almost always calm her down or distract her. But we have to watch her closely because she has already had a choking incident involving a piece of grass….
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