Posts About me

My Happiness Project: January

January 6, 2011

As I mentioned in my resolutions post, one of the things I’m doing this year is reading Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project and creating my own based on her method. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, there is a chapter for each month of the year and each month is about a different area of life. Then you  make resolutions for the month based on that area, and it is all supposed to work toward a happier life. January’s focus is vitality, or boosting energy. To summarize Gretchen, when you have energy everything is better and easier so it makes sense to start with this. I realize that I should have read the chapter before January…
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2010, A Year To Remember

December 31, 2010

It’s the last day of the year, and I’m ready for a fresh start. But first, I went back and read all my posts from this year, and the following are some high points (and low ones) that stuck out to me. 2010 was quite a year. January: Started out on an excellent note, on vacation. My husband turned 30, and we actually got a lot done working on our house. February: So much happened this month! I turned 28 and celebrated a wonderful birthday week. We got a new dog, Oliver, a new car (my beloved Prius), and my blog got a new design courtesy of my brother. I went to see a reproductive endocrinologist for the first time,…
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Reverb10: Wisdom

December 12, 2010

What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? The wisest decision I made was kind of a group of decisions, but it all added up to me making changes and stepping back. As I’ve been over multiple times here, it was a rough year. A few months ago I became overwhelmed with responsibilities and stress, and as a result of everything we’d been through on top of everything weighing me down, I ended up quite depressed. This was no fun, and I knew some things needed to change. I changed jobs. Working on an inpatient unit of the hospital was a big source of stress. Although I loved the unit and my coworkers,…
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Reverb10: Wonder, Let Go, Make

December 6, 2010

How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? All it takes for me to feel a sense of wonder is to go outside. I think the world is beautiful and amazing and awe-inspiring. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? This year I let go of my first baby. It was only a few weeks old but it was loved and wanted and grieved for. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? I joined a club with my mom and some of her friends, and we meet once a month…
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Reverb10: Moment

December 3, 2010

Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail. It was a couple of months ago, during the depths of my depressive episode. I was passing through days fighting off tears at every turn and just trying to make it through. I knew the kinds of things I needed to be doing to help myself, so I tried to do them. They say exercise helps with depression, if you can even get yourself to do it. So I did, at least for awhile. I went running around the neighborhood. I pulled on my shorts, tank top, socks, shoes, and a visor. It was middle afternoon and the sun was still bright. I usually…
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