Posts About me

Workin On It

October 5, 2010

Well, I’m feeling a bit better. I can’t say that I’m back to my usual self yet. I still get overwhelmed by small stresses that shouldn’t faze me. I still don’t have the energy I’m used to, and I haven’t recovered all the joy I lost for things like reading, being active, and participating in this lovely online community. Honestly, right now I’m barely participating in my real life community. I still notice physical discomfort more than I should. But I’m getting better, and I’ve been working really hard to keep going that direction. First, I needed cut back on some responsibilities and give myself a break, so I turned over the reigns of the church youth group to David…
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September 25, 2010

I’m just going to come out and say it. For the past few weeks, as far as I can tell, I’ve been dealing with an episode of depression. This isn’t something I have a history with, but all signs point that way and it’s the most likely reason for all of the symptoms I’ve been experiencing. Loss of appetite. Tired all the time despite sleeping 10-12 hours a night. Absolutely no energy. Headaches. Stomachaches. Crying spells. Withdrawal from friends, family, and the online community. No interest in the things that I usually enjoy. It took me by surprise considering I’m generally such a happy, optimistic person. I can usually take whatever comes at me. It also came on gradually. I…
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Ten On Tuesday: The College Edition

August 17, 2010

I’m jumping back in with Ten on Tuesday hosted by Chelsea this week, because the questions are all about college and I loved my college and the whole experience. I do have two degrees from two different schools, but my nursing school experience was nontraditional so I won’t be talking about that here. 1. Where did you go to college? I went to Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas. It had about 500 students in a town of 3000 surrounded by farmland. We literally ran around the entire town during some soccer conditioning practices. 2. What did you study? I majored in Christian ministry and philosophy. I originally wanted to work at a Christian camp, but my education was actually geared…
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my first chemical peel & microdermabrasion

August 12, 2010

During my two weeks off I got pretty used to not wearing makeup. When you’re in the hospital for three days and then don’t leave the house for the next week there’s really no need for it. Through this I discovered something very important about myself: I hate putting on makeup. For that matter, I hate blow-drying my hair and styling it too, but that’s a topic for a different day. I’m at the point in my life where I want to minimize things that don’t make me happy, and I’m making a big push for a simpler lifestyle. Now, I’m not willing to go completely bare-faced in public, but I decided to take steps that might allow me to…
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A Different Kind Of Vacation

July 29, 2010

It’s been a week since David had his surgery, and four days since we’ve been home recovering. Clockwise from top left: the patient’s domain, my home nursing shelf, Cleo wondering what’s going on around here, and the huge pile of snacks that we’ve amassed. My patient is improving by leaps & bounds, and soon he’ll be zooming around. But for the first month he still can’t put any weight on his right leg and he can’t drive himself anywhere. That means he still needs help doing some fairly simple things like going to the bathroom, showering, and having meals prepared. In addition to activities of daily living, I also have to give him a shot in his belly once a…
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