Posts Tagged ‘Friends

Kansas Weekend

August 3, 2008

I’m back home from the whirlwind Kansas trip where one of my best friends, Ellen, got married. As a bonus I got to see a few extra friends and introduce David to many people. Most of it is a blur, but here are some thoughts regarding the weekend. To see the rest of the pictures and more of the story, go HERE. The rehearsal dinner had all you can eat barbecue. I’m usually not so much a fan of barbecue, but the side dishes were so good that I stuffed myself. We got to visit my best friend Becca, who is 8 months pregnant. She and her husband just bought a fixer-upper house. Here we are in front of it….
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Four Things

July 30, 2008

#1: I just painted my toenails a dark shade of purple. I am in a wedding this weekend and the bridesmaid dress is purple, and I do not want my hideous toenail bruises showing. However, it is the worst toenail paint job ever, and I’m wondering if the bruises might not be more attractive. #2: I am devastated because Bennigan’s has filed for bankruptcy and soon will be closed down forever. This was one of my favorite stand-by restaurants. I always knew I could go there for a good meal (the baked potato soup and 1/2 county cork sandwich with a brownie bottom pie for dessert was my favorite). Never again. Tear. #3: A good friend of our family’s and…
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I Want My Normal Life Back

June 29, 2008

Hey everyone, I’m returning to the internet world. I’ve been almost completely cut off, only able to briefly check my e-mail at work. I have to say, this past week has been pretty depressing. Not because of the lack of internet, but because my life is in upheaval. My roommate Amanda moved out last week, taking all of her furniture and dishes with her. Courtney and I lived the whole week in a bare apartment, with no TV, no internet, barely any food, no plates or bowls, etc. It was a lonely place. I did a lot of reading. Also, I am still getting used to my work schedule. I love my job, but there are times when I despair…
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The Week So Far

June 19, 2008

On Monday night I went out and bought a bunch of pairs of scrubs in Caribbean blue, our required color. This is not a popular color for scrubs, but I found it at an awesome store in Katy. There was a friendly Indian woman there who owns and runs the place, and by the end of my shopping experience she was giving me marriage advice and showing me all of her receipts for the day. On Tuesday my preceptor was off and my backup preceptor was late, so I ended up working with a girl who has only been a nurse since January. Although she was very nice, she was also extremely disorganized and I did not much enjoy working…
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