Posts Tagged ‘nursing

How I Spent My First Month’s Pay

July 4, 2008

Gave my tithe to my church Paid a huge chunk of money on my credit card bill Car insurance and phone bills Miscellaneous gas and food Donated to my four monthly charities (Compassion, Tabor College, support for two friends who are missionaries) Bought my cousin’s wife a baby shower gift Bought the CD Ampersand by Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken Paid to have my address changed on my driver’s license Premarital counseling And lastly… Bought Coldplay tickets. Yes! Still have some to spare! I’m liking this “real job” thing. Even though it does wear me out, it’s also very fulfilling. I had the option of taking the holiday off, but I chose instead to work to save up more personal…
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Early Monday

June 30, 2008

I was woken up at 3:45 a.m. by the two 100+ pound dogs that I’m taking care of this week, Teak and Riley. They wanted to be fed, and there is no more sleeping when they want to be fed. So I got up and did just that, and then I stayed awake because my alarm was scheduled to go off at four. It’s only fifteen minutes, you may say, but when that fifteen minutes comes as early as it does it makes a big difference. So I was annoyed. But, as usual, I got to work and everything was great. Two cups of coffee and I didn’t feel the sleep I was missing until about 1 p.m. when we…
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The Week So Far

June 19, 2008

On Monday night I went out and bought a bunch of pairs of scrubs in Caribbean blue, our required color. This is not a popular color for scrubs, but I found it at an awesome store in Katy. There was a friendly Indian woman there who owns and runs the place, and by the end of my shopping experience she was giving me marriage advice and showing me all of her receipts for the day. On Tuesday my preceptor was off and my backup preceptor was late, so I ended up working with a girl who has only been a nurse since January. Although she was very nice, she was also extremely disorganized and I did not much enjoy working…
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First Day on the Unit

June 16, 2008

I woke up at 4:45 a.m. and got home at 5 p.m., and all I’m thinking at this moment is that my legs and feet are very tired. Today I met my preceptor, Christy, and basically followed her around the entire day. She is extremely nice, but I don’t think she quite understands the concept that I am an RN with a license (yay!) and I can actually do stuff. It wasn’t until the end of the day, when she was getting behind, that I finally told her, “You know if you need help with anything I can do something for you.” She said, “You can give meds?” Um…yeah, I’ve been doing that since the second semester of nursing school!…
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I Passed!

June 13, 2008

Although I thought the test went well, I was still so nervous to check the results. A thousand scenarios had developed in mind around how I would react if I failed. I am very grateful that I don’t have to find out. I’m an RN! If I hadn’t passed, I think I would have been overcome with stress. I might have had an aneurysm. Because I start on my unit next week, and first of all, how embarrassing to have to go back and tell my manager that she hired the nurse who couldn’t pass the board exam. Secondly, I have to move by the end of the month, which is in about two weeks, and that includes repainting my…
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