Posts Tagged ‘quick takes

quick takes

October 25, 2013

I don’t know how “quick” this will be today as I seem to have a lot on my mind but here we go. (Check out more quick takes here.) one This week has been super busy and work has been tough and I know this is true because I have been almost completely absent on social media, and also I have been eating horribly. I mean I don’t usually eat great  but this week has been particularly bad. I guess I’m okay for breakfast and lunch, but then I’ve been snacking so much in the afternoons and dinner has just been fast food  or nothing (mostly because of time constraints and lack of planning). Anyway, I feel gross and this…
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quick takes

October 18, 2013

Linking up! one The internet is a pretty cool place sometimes. Someone who had just bought the midnight edition of Project Life emailed me about doing a trade for some of the seafoam cards that I have, and I just got her package in the mail yesterday. So now I don’t have to buy the whole midnight edition and I can work those cards into my spreads! Pretty excited. two This week I had to place an order for a book I want to give to a friend (and none of my local bookstores had it) so I thought it only made sense to order one more thing to get the free shipping…right? So this was a total impulse buy:…
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quick takes

October 4, 2013

one I am so tired today. It’s been too much week. We’ve had something planned every night this week except for one, and that night the toddler was a hellion so I’m just beat. It was good stuff that we were doing: dinner with family, church, and our anniversary dinner (we went here and it was delish) but I’m just not used to having so much to do after work. Tonight we have to prep our house for carpet installation which is a lot of work, but I’m also super excited about the result. two This week at work has been lighter than usual which I am very grateful for, so I have had some computer time. I managed to…
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quick takes

September 27, 2013

one So, this happened at the beginning of the week: Apparently I’m prone to stomach viruses because I seem to catch one every year at least. But catching one when you’re pregnant is a whole different ballgame. It’s super easy to get dehydrated (especially when one doesn’t drink enough water to begin with – I’m working on it, okay) and when you get dehydrated you start contracting and that’s no bueno all around. I spent the night in the ER on Monday night receiving fluids and getting the contractions to stop (they gave me terbutaline and that stuff is weeeiiird). For some reason they refused to give me anti-nausea meds until I was still vomiting at 3 a.m. even though I…
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quick takes

September 20, 2013

Another round of randomness coming at you! (Linking up.) one Fair warning that it just might start to get very crafty/nesty up in here. Our new carpet will be installed in a couple of weeks, and we’re painting our bedroom this weekend. I have barely touched the back half of our house and so this is really inspiring me to fix up our room. It’s such a sad state of affairs in there right now and I would love to have a happy master bedroom. I have plans, people. Will be sharing them soon. two I’m also spending almost every spare moment working on my niece’s stocking. Here is what it looks like so far: The lighting is kind of…
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