Posts Tagged ‘wedding

I Still Do

September 29, 2009

I loved my wedding. It was a huge affair with over 200 guests, planned for 8 months, stressed me out to the max, but it was worth it. The entire weekend was the best in my life. If I were to go back and do it again, there wouldn’t be much I would change. So here, enjoy a completely gratuitous slideshow of wedding pictures that I made. I’m happy to report that my marriage is even more amazing than the wedding was. I would do it all over again every single day of my life. Music is “This Kind Of Love” by Sister Hazel. All photos by Christine Tremoulet. Copyright 2008, all Rights Reserved. If the pictures are slightly blurry,…
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Wedding Pictures: Better Late Than Never!

March 23, 2009

Many of you have probably seen these pictures already, but if you haven’t I wanted to share them. The reason why they’re so late is because a) it took a few months for me to get the digital copies in the mail, b) then my website quit working, and c) since then I’ve just forgotten about it. My photographer was Christine Tremoulet. You can view more of the pictures on Flickr, but in the meantime here are some of my very favorites! (Legal stuff: all photographs by Christine Tremoulet. Copyright 2008, all rights reserved.) My very good friend Emily, who also did my hair, puts on my veil. My best friends in the world pray for me. One of the…
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Hello Friends,

October 16, 2008

I’m alive, I’m married, I’m happy, and I’m busy! Our wedding was amazing. Or so I thought, at least. I keep checking my photographer’s website for pictures, but they aren’t up yet. I really want to share those with you, but for now please be satisfied with the pictures from our honeymoon. I am just going to give you the link to Flickr, because I already did a lot of work with the pictures on there and I’m too lazy to choose the best ones to put up here. Except for this one, which is my absolute favorite: We went to Kauai, Hawaii and it was the perfect place. Not commercial at all, completely relaxing, with tons to do if…
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Making It

September 25, 2008

I wish I had more time to update you, but my goodness life is a whirlwind right now. Last night I went to David’s for the evening and it was the first time we’d seen each other in four days. We watched DVDs of “The Office,” indulged in chicken fried rice, and worked on wedding favors. I really needed a night like that. The wedding is in eight days – wow, my heart just started pounding – and somehow I think everything is going to come together. There are still a bunch of details to get out of the way, but thankfully I have this weekend off. Although I do have to work three days next week. Speaking of work, it…
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Seeking Beauty Advice

September 16, 2008

If you have gotten married recently, or if you’re just really good with makeup, I’d like your help please. I’m not sure what to do about makeup for my wedding. First, let me tell you what I do now: Face: after washing my face and moisturizing, I apply a translucent powder and light foundation to my T-zone, just to even out my complexion. I have this blush by Nars in the shade of “Madly,” but I usually only put it on for special occasions. Eyes: I use a primer by Benefit called F.Y. Eye, then use this duo eyeshadow by Nars in the shade of “All About Eve.” It’s very natural looking. I apply the matte shade all over the lid,…
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