Posts Tagged ‘wedding

Father-Daughter Dance

September 4, 2008

One of the hardest things about planning this wedding so far has been choosing the music. I had never really thought about what music I want at my wedding before, and since music has played a big part in my life it’s been difficult to find the perfect songs. My dad has been looking forward to our dance for years, and so I really wanted to choose a special song for him. The other day I was working on my computer, and I set my iTunes to shuffle. After hearing “One” by U2 and “Fields of Gold” by Eva Cassidy, a song that I had never heard before played. It was just background music to what I was focused on…
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Start of a Day

August 26, 2008

My first wedding disaster dream: It was the day of my wedding and I had left the flowers and centerpieces up to my mom to figure out. I arrived to find that the flowers were hot pink and the centerpieces were doll figurines. Sorry to anyone who hates reading about other people’s dreams, but I felt it was a duty to myself to chronicle that one. I love my day off during the week. Today I plan to have lunch with David at his work, buy my brother a birthday gift, and shop for bridesmaid shoes and other things. I’m also thinking about taking Cleo to the dog park. Thinking about it. Poor girl, I haven’t had as much time…
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Any Ideas?

August 11, 2008

Hello internet, I have absolutely no idea what music to walk down the aisle to in 53 days. Due to the location and my lack of planning, it will be recorded. We need songs for the wedding party processional, bridal processional, and recessional. Your thoughts? Also, what are some good dancing songs? And what songs should I tell the DJ not to play? I appreciate any ideas at all. I am sure I will be begging you for more advice soon enough.

Day Off?

July 29, 2008

I worked all weekend, then had a frantically busy day yesterday. Last night I was tired through and through, but could I rest? No, there were cake consultations to attend and invitations to design. Luckily I had today off, so I could get rested (or so I thought). Despite being an emotional wreck for most of the day, I did manage to accomplish some things. First, I got fitted for undergarments at Nordstrom and OH MY WORD if you haven’t done that, go. It will change your life. Purchased all my underwear for the wedding and then some. Second, I finally found a paper store that had what I wanted: plain white, smooth finish, thick paper without a watermark. You…
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I Don’t Know What I’d Do Without Him

July 24, 2008

David: Kathleen, have you figured out all the flowers and favors for the wedding yet? Me: Well, I don’t have every detail together yet, but I’m working on it. There are only so many things I can do at once. David: But you do know that we need all that stuff? Me: Yes David, I am aware. *** How cute. He overheard women at his office talking about wedding details the other day, and before that he didn’t realize that we needed things like flowers and favors for a wedding. He thought that maybe I didn’t know either.