Posts About me

Wii Came, Wii Saw, Wii Ate Cupcakes

June 28, 2010

Forgive me the title. I couldn’t resist. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a brand enthusiast & ambassador for Nintendo through Brand About Town, and this weekend they helped me host a party for some of my friends and family to celebrate the new Netflix streaming for Wii. Did you know that you can instantly stream thousands of Netflix movies through your Wii with only a disc, that they send you for free? Well you can, and seriously, do it. It rocks. Do you know what else rocks? Being a Nintendo enthusiast. Since I agreed to host this party (I know, it was a HUGE imposition) a super fun package showed up in the mail. Popcorn, candy (everything except the Junior…
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Au Naturel

May 14, 2010

Although I’m a naturally optimistic and positive person, every once in awhile I have days where life gets the best of me and I feel utterly lost. During those times it seems like nothing helps, no good advice makes me feel better, no plan of action gives me hope, I am falling slowly into an abyss that is void of all happiness & chocolate. Today is one of those days. What’s gotten me down right now is health issues and financial strains, and for some reason this leads to the conclusion that I will never be the person I want to be. Don’t ask me how I made the jump in my mind from an increase in property taxes to…
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Friday Things: To Look Forward To

April 16, 2010

I find it essential for my state of mind to have some good things to anticipate, no matter how big or small. Here are a few things I’m currently excited about! *** This girl (the one on the left), one of my absolute best friends, is back in town after 7 months in Scotland! I spent the afternoon with her and my soul feels more at peace. She’ll be moving to Nashville this summer, so I’m going to try and see her as much as possible before then. *** I’m on a total musical kick lately. In the Heights is in Houston for a few more days and Megan (see above) and I are going to see it on Sunday….
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Ten On Tuesday: My Questions!

March 30, 2010

Since I lovingly and painstakingly came up with each one of these questions for Chelsea, I guess I should answer them myself. :) I tried to think of things I would really be interested in knowing the answers to, and that would also be fun to write about. Here we go: 1. What television character do you identify with? I wrote this question because it’s so easy for me to answer. I am a real-life version of pre-season 5 Rory on Gilmore Girls. I’m a goody-goody, I’m a bookworm, I’m a homebody who is in love with my town, I love interesting movies, and now I’m even a habitual coffee drinker. I even think we look a little bit alike,…
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Friday Things: On My Mind

March 26, 2010

Friday is the day of randomness, right? Retirement Not mine, unfortunately. My mentor, the woman who showed me what a good nurse looks like, is retiring in a week. I am sad but so excited for her. I am in charge of collecting money and procuring a gift for her from our entire unit, and I feel a lot of pressure re: this. Netflix I’m so excited that Netflix streaming will soon be available for Wii. That will help SO MUCH with my goal of watching all the movies that have won Best Picture. My teeth I can sympathize with my nephew because I’m teething and it is terrible. Technically I’ve been teething for years as my wisdom teeth have…
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