Posts About personal

quick takes

April 18, 2014

one I have mentioned a few times that our 13-year-old dog is having panic attacks every day. They started after our other dog died and have only barely  become manageable. She has been on anxiety medication for over a month and we have also been giving her a nightly sedative just so we can sleep, although it is not really supposed to be used that often but life is just unbearable otherwise. And it doesn’t even work all the time. We have tried a thundershirt and a pheromone collar and we take her on long daily walks or runs. The attacks usually happen in the evening and at night when we are home, but this week she had one during…
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meredith lately

April 16, 2014

Me: What’s your full name? Meredith: Merma Susannah Forbes! Me: Good! Do you want to know mommy’s full name? Meredith: Mommy Susannah Forbes! Me: Oh yeah? What about daddy’s? Meredith: Daddy Susannah Forbes! After her second Gogurt of the night… Meredith: I want anudder one! David: okay, but will you share it with daddy? Meredith: yeah David gives her the yogurt and she eats most of it… David: can I have some now? Meredith: no! David: hey, you said you would share with me. Meredith: well I not nice. Going through the drive-through for fast food at a time of desperation… Me: I’ll have a kids’ meal with a cheeseburger – Meredith: I wanna cheeseburger! Me: – and an apple…
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meredith lately

April 16, 2014

Me: What’s your full name? Meredith: Merma Susannah Forbes! Me: Good! Do you want to know mommy’s full name? Meredith: Mommy Susannah Forbes! Me: Oh yeah? What about daddy’s? Meredith: Daddy Susannah Forbes! After her second Gogurt of the night… Meredith: I want anudder one! David: okay, but will you share it with daddy? Meredith: yeah David gives her the yogurt and she eats most of it… David: can I have some now? Meredith: no! David: hey, you said you would share with me. Meredith: well I not nice. Going through the drive-through for fast food at a time of desperation… Me: I’ll have a kids’ meal with a cheeseburger – Meredith: I wanna cheeseburger! Me: – and an apple…
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the “perfect” photo

April 15, 2014

In Texas in spring the wildflowers pop up everywhere and people rush out to the sides of the highway to sit in the bluebonnets and take pictures. It’s a thing. Some people get awesome professional photos taken in them, but here am I with my cranky toddler, bobblehead infant, and my iPhone camera trying to force the perfect bluebonnet photo. I had just interrupted Meredith’s late-to-being-with nap for these. Told her to hold Liam in her lap so hold him she did. It was windy. In attempting to get artistic I didn’t even notice my finger over the lens. They got tired and wanted to lie down. (Also, we didn’t smoosh the bluebonnets, they were already like that.) So then…
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around here // momming up

April 11, 2014

As a mother I have moments like everyone where I feel completely underwater, where I can’t keep up, can’t manage all that I have to do, make a wrong decision, lose my cool, etc. But then there are days where I totally rise to the demands of my family, my household, and myself. When I know that things are just going to be crazy for awhile I tell myself to “mom up.” Things have to be done and there isn’t any use dwelling on it, so I do what I need to do. Recovering from Liam’s hospital visit was one of those crazy times. Our routine was totally off. Meredith was needy and cranky after two days hardly seeing me….
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