what i learned in september

September 30, 2015

Today I’m linking up with Emily Freeman to share the random things I learned over the past month. It’s been fun to write down these tidbits and I think I’ll keep it up! Car inspection info I had to get my car inspected this month, but it needed some work done first. So I learned that they won’t pass you if the “check engine” light is on, and you can’t have a spare tire on. I also always forget that you have to show proof of insurance to pass inspection, and I didn’t have a hard copy. But I learned that they will accept a digital copy if you just look it up on your phone and show them. So…
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Posted in: personal, thoughts

what i read : august & september 2015

September 29, 2015

I combined the last two months for this post because I only read one book in August! Because of different book clubs and library holds I ended up reading several books at a time that month so I didn’t get through very many. And I still only made it through three in September, but anyway, here’s what I read the past two months! The Cat’s Table by Michael Ondaatje – This had been on my to-read list since it first came out in 2011 and I heard an interview with the author, so I was very happy when our book club chose it. The author is best known for writing The English Patient which was turned into an Academy Award…
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Posted in: books & reading, what i read

link roundup / 33

September 25, 2015

>I seem to be including a house tour in every link roundup these days! Right now I’m totally in love with Miranda’s house and now I kind of want to build a new one. (see photo above by her) >If toddlers could text. >Definitely making these cookies this weekend. >Do you like birth stories? My friend Bryn has a new podcast out called The Birth Hour! I’m going to be on it soon and I’ll definitely let you know when my episode is up. >This is a genius idea for what to do with kiddo artwork and special papers. >The way Alicia describes her creating this embroidered quilt top for her daughter has me sighing and dreaming of the day I’ll be able to…
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Posted in: links

week in the life 2015 : monday in the album

September 24, 2015

I’m excited to start sharing with you my completed Week in the Life album. I’ve made a lot of progress and hopefully I’ll be finished with the whole thing within a month! For my album, I used mostly Ali’s kit. Here you see the title page, on which I decided to just play with paper. I think it’s cute. :) Before we got into the details of the week, I wanted to briefly give some info about each of us. I basically just wrote our ages and what we’re into right now off the top of my head. I love the transparent dividers that came with the kit since I preordered. For the beginning of each day I decided to…
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Posted in: documenting, week in the life

hormones & self-care

September 22, 2015

Last week was not a good one. I have many stressors in my life right now: not sleeping well, Meredith having anxiety, Liam teething, finances in bad shape, work unpredictable, not to mention the general craziness of being a working mom to little kids. But last week I was not handling anything well. I forgot completely about self-care and let my grumpiness come out in full force each evening at home. By the end of it I was wondering if it was time for me to consider therapy. And then I realized: HORMONES. Yup, my body was going through some stuff (ahem) and hormones are changing and I don’t think it was a coincidence. ANYWAY. We ended up having a great…
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Posted in: personal, around here