Posts Tagged ‘good things

Good Things: October

November 2, 2011

I love October for the beginning of fall and the holiday season, our anniversary, and the arrival of decent weather. We had a good month, and I am no less excited for November! *** 1 – Watching Bridesmaids with David while Meredith sleeps in my arms 2 – Movie at Alamo Drafthouse with David 3 – Our three-year anniversary; family walk in beautiful weather 4 –  Successfully completing a very busy day without feeling overwhelmed 5 – A PA overhearing my interaction with a patient and saying, “That should have been filmed as a commercial for Methodist.” 6 –  Los Cucos with Vanessa, Lucas, & Alice 7 – Waking up to all of us, even Cleo, huddled together on the bed and David with his hand on Meredith 8 –  Catching up on TV shows 9 – Celebrating our…
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Good Things: September

October 2, 2011

1 – A visit from the old church youth group 2 – Best massage of my life 3 – Long leisurely brunch with Lauren W. 4 – Going to a wonderful new church (Cornerstone) 5 – Family outing to Fuddruckers & Marble Slab 6 – Organized pantry, trip to doctor & shopping 7 – Free breakfast at Chick-Fil-A 8 – Floor time with M. while I read to her 9 – Zelda with Lauren W. & finishing Infinite Jest 10 – Having my parents over for dinner; my dad watching football w/ David & Mom & me giving M. her bath 11 – The Weepies with Sara K. 12 – Visit from Maggie R. 13 – Lunch with David 14…
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Good Things: August

September 1, 2011

August has been an excellent month. I didn’t have to work at all, got so much done around the house, and made lots of progress on this whole motherhood thing. It was easy to come up with one good thing each day! 1 – Organizing the nursery more thoroughly and getting my nails done 2 – Lots of relaxing and reading 3 – Newborn pics with Cio and going through the birth pics 4 – Watching David hold Meredith and sing her to sleep 5 – My mother-in-law meeting Meredith for the first time (she was out of town by necessity when M. was born) 6 – Making a Moby wrap and wearing Meredith in it successfully 7 – My…
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Good Things: July

August 1, 2011

July was crazy, but somehow I managed to keep up with my list of one good thing each day: 1 – Dinner with Bryan & Misti 2 – Shopping with Mom 3 – Lunch with Maggie R. 4 – Making brownies on a whim with David 5 – Starting an IV on a 95-year-old lady on the first try, carpal tunnel and all 6 – Crawling back into bed with David for a few extra minutes before work 7 – Getting a package in the mail 8 – Dinner at my parents’ house 9 – Seeing Super 8 with David 10 – Getting the house clean, even the bathtub 11 – David coming to my doctor’s appointment and talking on…
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Good Things: April

May 1, 2011

In an effort to focus on the positive in life, I decided to take a hint from a fellow blogger and record at least one good thing every day. Here’s my list for April! 1 – Catching up on American Idol with David 2 – Cooking a homemade dinner and dessert for my in-laws 3 – Getting a massage 4 – Visiting Cleo at Mom & Dad’s house 5 – Starting a new Bible study 6 – David bringing me dinner, drawing my bath, and doing the dishes 7 – A big turnout at youth group and a good discussion 8 – Starting four IV’s successfully at work 9 – Getting a lot of painting done in the house 10…
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