Posts Tagged ‘quick takes

quick takes

January 31, 2014

one The first month postpartum is just the worst for clothes. You still have a pooch, your boobs are suddenly huge, you have to wear something you can easily nurse in, you don’t want to wear something that makes you look pregnant, if you had a C-section most pants hurt your incision, and none of your old clothes fit yet. Thank goodness I rarely have to go out of the house. I’ve settled mostly on maxi skirts and loose button-down shirts for now, but here’s the outfit I wore today which includes neither of those things. two Liam is doing great. He’s still calm and quiet and fairly undemanding. Even when he’s hungry he just grunts and squirms a little….
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quick takes (christmas 2013 edition)

December 27, 2013

one So we had a really great Christmas. I’ll tell you about it briefly in a minute. But first, we had a comically bad Christmas Eve night. Being 35 weeks pregnant with a toddler and working full-time during the holiday season, I just knew that I was going to have a breakdown at some point and it happened. We were trying to do too much, making it to my brother’s church (45 min away) at 6pm after work, and then I really wanted to drive to look at the lights in the fancy neighborhood nearby even though it was practically bedtime and Meredith was crying and neither of us had eaten and I was super tired and uncomfortable. So I…
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quick takes

December 6, 2013

1. Meredith has suddenly developed a stutter. It is very pronounced and not particularly cute. We are calm about it and know that it’s probably just developmental. I tell her to think about what she’s trying to say and rarely finish her words for her. We’ll see how it goes. 2. She is not potty training yet, but there are signs of readiness coming. I don’t think I’m going to attempt anything for awhile though, except get her some underwear for her stocking. Also, for now I’ve switched her over to disposable diapers. I love cloth and I’m going to cloth diaper the next baby, but this is a relief for now. Meredith kept getting a rash, and I realized…
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quick takes

November 15, 2013

I can never seem to get these quick takes up before late Friday afternoon. Ah well, let’s knock em out. one Remember how I said I was having car trouble? Turns out that while we were away for the weekend and my car was safely stowed away in the garage, some kind of rodent crawled into the engine and starting chewing up wires to the tune of $545. Not cool. I guess that could have happened to any car, but we are still considering trading mine in pretty soon because it’s having more and more problems recently. two I had such a relaxing weekend when we were on our mini trip, yet I still felt just as tired when we…
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quick takes

November 7, 2013

Posting my quick takes a day early because tomorrow we’ll be headed to the hill country for our anniversary mini-trip! one This will be my first time away from Meredith overnight, and although that may seem like a long time I am glad I waited. I don’t know if she and I would have been ready before this, but now I know we are. When she is picked up by her grandparents from daycare and we come to take her home she usually throws a fit. She has also fallen asleep at their houses during babysitting so I really think she’ll be fine and happy. As for me, I KNOW that I could really use the break, especially with this…
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