Posts About around here

friday things: odds & ends

July 30, 2010

I started watching Glee from the beginning tonight. My brother had told me that there was zero chance that I wouldn’t like it, and he was right. In fact, I teared up in the first episode because of how happy it made me. My husband watched it with me and commented on all the stereotypes and how it’s basically just a cheesy high school movie. I looked him in the eye and said, “I like that.” *** My in-laws have been keeping Oliver for us since before David’s surgery, but since they’re going on vacation in the morning we got him back tonight. Even though we’re a little nervous about how it’ll work out with the big guy around, I…
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how my day off turned out

June 15, 2010

It all started with coffee. Coffee and breakfast, but mostly coffee. Not wanting to wake up any earlier than necessary, I skipped the shower and makeup, threw on some clothes, and harnessed Oliver. Thinking he was getting a walk, he helpfully pointed me in the direction of his leash. We arrived at the clinic at 7 a.m. and it opens at 8:30 a.m. We had secured our spot in line, but the following hour and a half was less than pleasant. That length of time in an enclosed space with a 93-pound dog (we found out later that’s how much he weighs), especially one who is naturally anxious and in a situation where he can easily see other cats and…
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what are days off for but to work?

June 13, 2010

Here is a snapshot of my calendar for the month. Everything written down is some sort of engagement that I have planned, and the red numbers in the bottom right-hand corners are my work hours. There is one blissfully blank day next Tuesday, but that’s it. For some reason June has outdone itself. On Friday David and I are going camping for the weekend with some of our siblings (an excursion that quite possibly could end in disaster), and since I worked this weekend I haven’t had much time to prepare. If you scrutinize the fuzzy picture of my calendar, you will notice that I work twelve hours on Tuesday, eight hours on Wednesday followed by three hours of leading…
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dog park, farmer’s market, paint, and mothers

May 11, 2010

It’s Tuesday and I’m still reliving my weekend. So what? I got a nice surprise on Friday when I was supposed to work until 7 p.m. and they let me off at 3. I was able to beat the traffic and convinced David to go on a mini-date. We went to Potbelly Subs & Sandwiches for dinner and then went back home to pick up the dogs. This part took a lot more convincing, because handling all three dogs at once is no easy task. But I recently bought these adorable tags for them, and now we could legitimately take Oliver to the dog park. It was Oliver’s first time there, so we were nervous. He’s still not neutered (I…
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friday things: pictures from the week

April 2, 2010

This week I bought a rug. I stressed over it. I deliberated. I took the plunge, and got way excited. I still like the rug, but I think it looks awkward in my living room. I am going to try it in the dining room when we finish painting, and if I don’t love it there then I’m returning it. I’m now looking for a light blue, 8-foot, round rug to go in this spot. *** This week I figured out how to get my hair out of my face for awhile! It took a headband and several bobby pins, but it sure was a nice break. *** This week I celebrated Passover with the youth group at church. I…
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