all the things

March 14, 2013

1. So yesterday David and I were having a really blah day so in order to salvage it we decided to go for a family shopping trip. We don’t usually do hardly anything on weeknights because it’s just too much but it was needed. We went to Target, of course, got a Starbucks and popcorn in the store, let Meredith ride in the back of the cart, and just browsed. 2. One of the things we bought was a new backpack for Meredith. The picture above shows her old backpack, which I love, and she loves, and she always runs to it when I pick her up, and it’s a cute little pink mouse, and oh the nostalgia of being…
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Posted in: personal, thoughts

taking notes for project life

March 12, 2013

So y’all know how much I love Project Life by now, and you also probably know how busy I am and that I am always playing catch up with it. But the thing is, I don’t let it stress me out at all (or I try not to) because I have gotten pretty good at taking notes. If you have notes and you have photos it doesn’t take much time at all to put together a spread. So since I’ve figured out what works for me I thought I’d pass it along. This is the notebook that I have specifically devoted to Project Life notes. It’s a large Moleskine Cahier journal in the grid design. I think it’s perfect because…
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Posted in: crafty, documenting, project life

around here // weekend

March 11, 2013

Really good weekend. I got the quilt fabric all prepared – trimmed, washed, dried, and ironed. Ready to cut! Spent several hours with my good friend Lauren on Saturday shopping. We walked around Highland Village and spent a gift card that Lauren gave Meredith and came home with an awesome new chair for her that we never would have sprung for otherwise. Meredith is obsessed with it and was super happy all day. Lately I started letting Meredith sit on my lap for dinner when she’s fussy just to make it through the evening, and unfortunately she now refuses to sit in her high chair. I should have seen that one coming. In truth I don’t mind too much but…
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Posted in: personal, around here, personal

project life 2013 : weeks 5 – 6

March 8, 2013

Finally I’m getting around to sharing some more of Project Life! I got a little behind as usual but it’s no big deal. This is way back in the end of January and beginning of February. Week 5: This was back before my uncle died, when life was normal. This left side is just happy, including songs and books and everyday stuff. Week 6: Then things got crazy. My uncle died and so I devoted a journaling card to that. The following spread will include more about that since that’s when we went for his funeral. My birthday was also that week, as well as some crazy work stuff. I didn’t journal as much this week but left most of…
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Posted in: crafty, documenting, project life

let’s pretend this never happened

March 7, 2013

I listened to Jenny Lawson’s hilarious and crazy memoir a few months ago on audiobook that I borrowed from the library, and I immediately knew I would love to feature it for BlogHer book club. A little background – Jenny is the author of the popular blog The Bloggess, and honestly I had never followed it before she wrote this book. But I started seeing a lot of positive reviews across the interwebs, and since I’m always looking for light and funny audiobooks, I gave it a try. Oh man. It’s a trip. She says she’s saved the best stories of her life for this book, and many of them really are hard to believe. At times I was just…
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Posted in: books & reading, book reviews, books & reading