We Survived Our First Camping Trip

June 21, 2010

Back in January, my husband David received a bunch of awesome camping gear for his birthday. We originally intended the gear to get its first use in the spring when the weather was nice, but then a bunch of terrible things happened to me and I was kind of a wreck for a few months. We had invited some of our siblings along, and this past weekend was the soonest we could get the trip together. Ninety-five degree weather? Who cares! We were going camping. Cleo wanted to come along, but I had to tell her no. The Prius was a champ, and we packed her full. Probably overpacked, but we were like first-time parents worrying about every possible little…
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Posted in: personal

Obsession: Pop Chips

June 17, 2010

Now, I’ve never been a huge chip person. Sure, I’ll go for the occasional Cheeto, and of course I can never turn down a tortilla chip if queso is involved. But chips by themselves have never been my snack of choice. But THESE. Y’all, I have a new addiction. A Pop Chip addiction. One of my friends has been raving about them for ages, and the other day when I was in Georgia’s Farm to Market I saw them by the register. I had no idea they were all-natural! It was destiny! I had to try them. I bought two flavors: cheddar and salt & vinegar. In one day, the entire bag of cheddar has somehow disappeared. The salt &…
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Posted in: things i love, obsessions

how my day off turned out

June 15, 2010

It all started with coffee. Coffee and breakfast, but mostly coffee. Not wanting to wake up any earlier than necessary, I skipped the shower and makeup, threw on some clothes, and harnessed Oliver. Thinking he was getting a walk, he helpfully pointed me in the direction of his leash. We arrived at the clinic at 7 a.m. and it opens at 8:30 a.m. We had secured our spot in line, but the following hour and a half was less than pleasant. That length of time in an enclosed space with a 93-pound dog (we found out later that’s how much he weighs), especially one who is naturally anxious and in a situation where he can easily see other cats and…
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Posted in: personal, around here, personal

what are days off for but to work?

June 13, 2010

Here is a snapshot of my calendar for the month. Everything written down is some sort of engagement that I have planned, and the red numbers in the bottom right-hand corners are my work hours. There is one blissfully blank day next Tuesday, but that’s it. For some reason June has outdone itself. On Friday David and I are going camping for the weekend with some of our siblings (an excursion that quite possibly could end in disaster), and since I worked this weekend I haven’t had much time to prepare. If you scrutinize the fuzzy picture of my calendar, you will notice that I work twelve hours on Tuesday, eight hours on Wednesday followed by three hours of leading…
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Posted in: personal, around here, personal

Work Scrapbook Page

June 11, 2010

My unit at work is putting together a scrapbook for the patients. Each employee is required to create her own page to introduce herself. It’s supposed to help the patients get to know us and feel more at home. Today I took the time to put mine together, and this is what I came up with. I think the colors are soothing, it’s clean without being boring, and the paragraph I wrote hopefully portrays me as someone my patients will trust. Other than sleep in, watch some World Cup games, and work on our budget a bit, that’s what I did with my Friday. What about you?

Posted in: crafty