
January 21, 2018

I keep wanting to write – I have so many things I want to share – but ultimately I run out of time and/or energy. I’m such a morning person, and anything mentally creative including blogging really needs to happen in the morning or else it won’t get done. However, I rarely have dedicated computer time in the morning. I’m not apologizing for not blogging (no one really cares but me, I know), but just venting a little. I do miss it. I am taking the time right now while the kids are playing outside before church to write this. David has been gone now for five weeks and four days. He comes home on Friday. In many ways, of…
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Posted in: personal, personal, recovery

2018 goals

January 9, 2018

  Just check the archives of this website and you’ll see that I’ve always been a sucker for goal-setting. However, I definitely have the tendency to measure my worth on how productive I am, which is one of the big lies I’ve had to face over the past couple of years. I would set goals to check items off a list, no matter if they really had any meaning for me or not. After a couple years of survival mode and burnout, I’m finally setting goals again. This time, I’ve done a LOT of introspection about what matters most to me, and these goals are all pointed in that direction. I’m also using Powersheets for the first time, which have…
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Posted in: personal, goals

around here

January 2, 2018

I’m typing this alone in a hotel room and it is pure bliss. Even though my kids were sobbing when I left and I kind of love how close we’ve become through the past months, there comes a point when this introvert mama needs a break and I’m near giddy with excitement over being here. For the next two days I will be attending an intensive family program at the rehab center where David is. I decided to get a hotel because it is over an hour away and I didn’t feel like driving that during rush hour, not to mention the fact that it is going to be sleeting overnight. Okay, and the prospect of the hotel room to…
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Posted in: personal, around here

have courage, dear heart

December 30, 2017

My word for 2018 is Courage. Originally, it was going to be Serenity. I was tired of being in survival mode, feeling chaotic, stressed out about my circumstances. I wanted peace. I am deep in the recovery world now, and the Serenity Prayer is one we recite often: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Serenity is being in the eye of the storm. Everything may be crazy around you, but you have the ability to remain calm. I do want serenity. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that my personality naturally seeks out peace and calm. That is always going to be something I am searching for. And usually,…
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Posted in: personal, personal, recovery, personal, thoughts

advent plans

November 24, 2017

I am very excited to be heading into my first Advent as a Catholic-in-training. We have celebrated Advent to some extent in years past, a little more each year as I’ve been inching liturgical, but this year I really want to get into it! I thought it would be fun/helpful to write out my plan for celebrating at home. Here is my plan, which I think is totally doable although I’m sure we will end up skipping some! Personal Advent Devotions >Blessed Is She Advent study – I am looking forward to diving into this! It is a great mix of Scripture, reflection, and journaling. I’ll be doing this in the mornings. >Every Sacred Sunday mass journal – This isn’t…
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Posted in: faith, catholic